Source: LA Couples
By: Bill Tgitc
LA Couples Present Pole Dancing Extravaganza
1) Fantastic Competition with Grand Prize Worth Over $20,000. Heats take place every Saturday night at LAC at midnight!
Weekly winner gets mystery prize and goes forward to the semi finals. Semi finals are every 6 weeks and the winner wins a trip to Hedonism 3. Grand Finals in October 2005.
The winner crowned “Miss LAC 2005” and wins an all expenses paid trip to Hedonism three! Winners are chosen by the noise from the crowd, so bring your friends.
2) Saturday Afternoons Professional Pole Dancing Classes
Welcome to Entertanium, downtown LA’s premier alternative dance studio. Open every Saturday beginning in March, for Pole Dancing Classes, featuring 4 poles, a cage, two swings and mirrored walls. Entertanium dance studio offers a vast range of services, dance clothing, club lighting and music, video of your own stage finale, party bookings for that special event.
All lessons begin with a stretching and warm-up part of the lesson, then the actual lesson where we suggest a comfortable, change of clothes (we have locker rooms and showers, too). For pole dancing, bare legs are a must so as to grip the poll, wearing shoes or boots with heels are a must (ankle or knee-high boots help support your weight and enables you to climb, swing and hang by your thighs and legs.
And if you decide you love it so much, ask us about placing an order for your own pole! Tell us the size from floor to ceiling and tell us if you want a stage base or a permanent pole. Give us one week for delivery from placing your order, and someone will call round to set up your pole.
To get on the list, use the form found at
Give us your name, membership number and expiration date, who’s name the membership is under (if not your own), what level you are at (I.E., beginner, intermediate, pro.) and your phone number. Remember all of your information is confidential.
Price: $ 80.00 for a 1-1/2 Hr./6-week course or $20/each class.
Every Saturday at 2-3:30 Beginners Classes
Every Saturday at 4-5:30 Intermediate Classes
3) Pole Installation
You’ve entered the competition… You’ve attended the instructional classes… You’ve bought the videos… But you still want more?!
Why not have your very own pole installed in your own home, so as you can dance and spin your heart out whenever the urge takes you?
Interested? Then mailto: (and make sure the subject of the email is “pole installation enquiry”) and in return you’ll receive full details of the in-home installation service.
There’s no commitment, so give it a go! All Pole dancing is sponsored by, the Ultimate Party Location;, your local oasis of pleasure in the desert and, discover the natural you!
All other info can be found at