Porn Party Gets Boost From Sex Z


Source: All Media Play

By: Company Press Release

Sex Z Pictures

(HOLLYWOOD, CA) — “This amazing night just got a lot wilder,” announced Scott David of All Media Play upon the announcement that Sex Z Pictures has come on board as a party co-host for this Thursday evening’s party bash at Bliss in West LA.

Sex Z Pictures is set to co-host what many feel might be the wildest porn meets the real world collision and brings with it a wild reputation for throwing only the biggest and best in Hollywood style porn parties.

The party will take place this Thursday, February 3rd at Bliss located at 650 N. LA Cienega and is being organized by Intoxicate you with an assist from All Media Play.

The beautifully huge night club will be packed with porn stars and gorgeous Hollywood types who will dance and drink the night away during one big celebration. In fact, a celebration is exactly what will be taking place at Bliss as not only will the porn world be out in force, but they will be celebrating a couple of special birthdays as well.

Porn producer Craven Moorehead and event organizer Brad Thomas will double up on their birthday wishes as each celebrates another year in the game.

Sex Z Pictures who is celebrating their first year in business will join in on the fun by participating in this wild bash.

“We decided not to throw a party in Vegas, and we wanted to be a part of a great evening in early 2005 and this is an opportunity to get started rather quickly”, stated Sex Z Picture’s maverick owner Bo Kenney.

Those who missed the Sex Z Pictures parties for certain have heard what they had missed.

Sex Z Pictures has been a major sponsor of two of Hollywood’s most recent mega porn events including the wild bash that was affectionately known as the ‘Heidi Fleiss’ party and the infamous ‘Halloween Porn Party’ at Ivar which broke attendance records and is still talked about as one of the great porn parties ever.

Time: Dinner RSVPs starting at 8:00pm / Lounging 9:00pm / Dance Floor 10:00 to 2:00am RSVP to or Call Direct at 818-515-3760 – No Cover All by Invite Only – Date: Thursday Feb 3rd 2005 Location: Bliss Restaurant & Lounge 650 N. LA Cienega just north of Melrose.