Source: Letters to the Editor
By: Jack Lawrence

Hey Steve,
Do you want to hear something funny? My wife, Annie Cruz did a shoot for yesterday. We thought it would be B.S. But Mike claimed that he can hypnotize a woman and make them cum. When I picked Annie up from the shoot Annie had a big smile on her face, and Mike had a gift for me…
He said, touch her ear, [I did] and Annie would convulse in like she was being gone down on… “Touch her nose” and she had an orgasm that made her shrink down to the floor.
We ended up going grocery shopping and I taped her doing it in the Soy Sauce section and a few times for strangers who were shopping.
She came literally 80 or 90 times last night, and now she’s sleeping like a rock! This guy is real! He’s been doing this for 10 years… You should interview him!
Jack Lawrence
[Thanks Jack! I’ll look into this – and so will a lot of other guys who want to give their girls pleasure! -Ed.]