Source: Adult Industry News
By: Jeremy Steele

[There is something new here at Adult Industry News that should be entertaining. A Numerological reading of adult talent’s stage names by Jeremy Steele. Since we are all just recovering from the AVN Awards Show let’s do Cytherea, this year’s Best New Starlet, and Tommy Gunn, this year’s Best Male Newcomer. I don’t know much about this stuff but it sounds like fun. -Ed.]
Porn Star Numerology by Jeremy Steele
Numerology is based on the letters in a person’s name, each letter containing a numeric value. Each number, similar to each astrology sign, represents different qualities, energies, lessons, etc. For example, the letters A, J and S all break down to the number 1. (A, the first letter, J the tenth, and S the 19th letter in the alphabet). Normally, numerology comprises the analysis of a person’s full birth name, along with the numeric value of his or her date of birth. Porn Star Numerology should be considered as a modifying influence.
This week’s featured readings are two AVN winners:
Cytherea 3728591 = 40/4
The first two letters indicate a social butterfly, creative girl, good for parties and gatherings, combined with a spiritual and/or eccentric viewpoint which is analytical, philosophical, at times aloof and operates on a different wavelength.
The 4 shows strong likes and dislikes and a fixed approach about things, good at establishing or maintaining an existing routine; good at organization, order and endurance. She’s a hard worker, practical, serious, down to earth, dependable, systematic, persevering.
Both award winners have a strong 4, which has to do with duty, discipline and work.
Tommy Gunn
26447 (=23/5) + 7355 (=20/2) ; 5+2 = 7
The strongest energy reflected here, besides the 7, is the 4. Together they show a practical work horse (4) who is also intuitive, analytical, spiritual, at times reclusive and aloof. Both the 4 and 7 energies like to deal with facts and rationality. The 7 can denote an otherworldliness or mysteriousness, as well as a guardedness with one’s own feelings. He is so rational, that unpredictable matters of the heart can frighten and surprise him. (Porn as a living is a potentially great way of fulfilling desire without threatening the delicate heart.)
The first two letters (2 and 6) in his name both show sensitivity, cooperativeness and caring about others.
Anyone who is a porn star (we are all stars, for there are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand on the earth) or a fan of one and would like a free reading, email me at:
Also feel free to say hi to me at my free yahoo site: [Linked in the box to the right]