Jill Kelly Escapes Fire in Historic Hilltop Home


Source: Jill Kelly Productions

By: Company Press Release

Jill Kelly

(TUJUNGA, CA) — JKP President and Adult Superstar Jill Kelly narrowly escaped severe injury early this morning after a fire erupted in her hilltop home. The house is the old Clark Gable hunting lodge in the Eastern Hills of the San Fernando Valley. Jill awoke a little before 7am to flames shooting from her bathroom/dressing room suite off of her bedroom. Housemate and JKP Contract Star Tyler Faith was also asleep when the fire erupted.

“I was outside with my dog and I smelt smoke- I thought it was someone’s fireplace,” said JKP Publicist Scott Hoover. “I live in the house next door to Jill and saw smoke coming from her bedroom area of the house. Next thing I saw was Tyler Faith running from the house in her pajama’s and moving Jill’s Escalade from the driveway to make room for the Fire Trucks. Jill courageously tried putting out the fire herself with a garden hose, slightly burning her hand.”

Several Fire trucks arrived and put out the fire. Most of the damage was to her bathroom, dressing area and her bedroom. Miss Kelly recently moved into the historic hilltop home and had just completed redecorating her suite of rooms. Fortunately she escaped, but the bathroom and dressing area need to be totally rebuilt. Jill’s extensive wardrobe will need to be replaced due to smoke and fire damage.

“I am thankful to be alive ­ possessions can be replaced,” Said Miss Kelly.

The fire inspector on the scene believed the fire to have started from old, faulty wiring. An official cause has yet to be released.

Scott Hoover

Director of Publicity

Jill Kelly Productions

818-255-7339 direct
