Happy New Year: Sasha Gabor May Leave Norway Soon


Source: Letters to the Editor

By: Sasha Gabor

Sasha Gabor

Dear Admiral Nelson, Steve,

Kyrre and Torkel, you and [name redacted] are the only ones who bothered to answer me besides [name redacted] with whom I chatted on AOL IM ’till 5 AM this morning!

Our SMS chats tend to be pretty one sided but I attach it so you can see that I am (not exactly) a happy camper but I am certainly not in the Right country to be all I could be…

The Norwegian Bible Belt is very weird and restrictive. Sex is fine and dandy but… nobody dares to touch me (except for beating me up)! They could use me for so much as one of the three Most Recognizable Men in this country of 4.5 million, but I am persona non grata as far as jobs, commercials, representation is concerned!

I couldn’t get a job cleaning the toilets at the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, (NRK) so as soon as I have sued the dentist and/or gotten my teeth fixed permanently, I am gone. Solid gone! History!

With love to you all. Put this as “Letters to the Editor” please!

With love and respect,

Sasha Gabor

