Source: Letters to the Editor
By: Ashton Moore

I will be Making My First Feature Dancing Appearance in My Hometown! Thursday December 30TH, Friday December 31ST, & Saturday January 1ST, I will be feature dancing in a duo act with XXX Star Haven at Le Girls Cabaret in Phoenix.
I have danced all over the USA and in Canada in the last two years but never here at home! I am so excited! I truly hope all of you can come out to see me at least one of the nights!
We have 5 shows together over the three days (not sure of exact times yet). After each stage show we will come out to visit with everyone in the VIP area. We will have 8×10’s, DVDs, and posters available as well as taking Polaroids. I may even do some table dances! But more than anything I can’t wait to meet all of you in person!
Here is the Club Info:
Le Girls Cabaret
5151 East Washington
Phoenix, AZ. 85034
Call 602-244-8000 for information, showtimes, directions, etc.
See you All Soon!
Wet Kisses!
Ashton Moore