Source: Adult Industry News
By: Myles Shaffer

Hello, Myles Shaffer here. This is going to be my shortest column to date, because there were only three features dancing in Southern California over the Thanksgiving weekend, and I had not ever heard of the third one. Because I knew nothing about Brandi Morgan and had never met her, I decided to forgo seeing her. I do strongly suspect there will come a day when I may regret that dubious decision.
Alexis Amore
On Wednesday, November 24th, I went to the downtown Los Angeles Spearmint Rhino where I spent the evening with the Peruvian Princess, Alexis Amore. Since I reviewed Alexis in my column of October 21st, I’ll just say that anybody who gets the opportunity to go to a club to see this lovely Latina perform should absolutely do so. I do not believe they will be disappointed.
Thanksgiving Day
What can I say? I spent Thanksgiving Day pigging out and doing the family thing. (I’m happy that I only managed to gain two pounds, especially after all the various types of pie and all the ice cream I consumed over a two day period!)
Mary Carey
Friday, November 26th, I drove out to the Rialto Spearmint Rhino where I spent the evening with Mary Carey. Once again, since I reviewed Mary in my column of August 24th, I won’t have much to say this time other than to advise that the readers take advantage of their next opportunity to see and meet Mary.
I do have one other subject I would like to speak on regarding Mary. That evening, during all three shows, I was the only person in the club whom Mary made any physical contact with which surprised me somewhat. After the first show of the evening, Mary explained the situation to me.
It seems that Mary recently featured at a club in the Carolinas. I believe she said it was South Carolina. During that gig, every time Mary put her breasts in the tip rail customers’ faces, several guys licked her breasts, and some of those clowns went so far as to bite her! Mary told me that she is now afraid to make contact with anybody she doesn’t know and trust. So, a few cretins have acted like animals and ruined things for the majority of Mary’s fans who know how to treat her like a lady with feelings.
God, how I despise people like that. People such as that must not have been born. They had to have crawled out from under a damp rock, because they couldn’t possibly have mothers and sisters and still treat any woman that way. I’ve said it many times in the past, and I’ll say it again. The main reason the adult film stars and/or feature dancers I know like me so much is because I treat them like ladies, the same as I would any female relative of mine!
Even though Mary might not interact with the customers the way she used to, she is still well worth a trip to a club to see and meet her. And, treat her like a lady, or my ghost will haunt you forever. Big deal! I’m not scary in life, so what makes me think I will be in death?
Check out these two terrific ladies at: and
Bonsoir et au revoir,
Myles Shaffer