Picasso Stolen from Erotic Museum


Source: The Erotic Museum

By: Company Press Release

Pablo Picasso

(HOLLYWOOD, CA)- The Erotic Museum is offering a reward for the return of a rare Picasso etching titled, “Block 1664” from his Suite 347 series, created in the last years of his life and kept from the public until after the artist’s death.

The Picasso was stolen from the museum’s gallery wall at approximately 6:30pm Tuesday evening. The subject of the piece is the 15th century tale of La Celestina, a story of courtesans, elaborate orgies and wanton encounters of every kind.

In what was clearly a preplanned heist, the thief eluded security cameras by zig-zagging through the museum at odd angles so his face could not be recorded.

The museum directors would like to send out a plea to the thief to return the piece so they can continue to share Picasso’s art with the public.

Media Contact:

Lisa Strouss


323-463-7684 x105