Shay’s Weekly Wash: Gina Lynn


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Shay Boogie

Shay Boogie

I went to a “meet and greet” with Gina Lynn at the local adult video store last week. Boy, did she look hot! She was wearing an aqua blue, skin-tight outfit that barely covered her titties and ass. She looked like a human Barbie doll but even better. It cost $20.00 for a photo, autographed poster, and Gina Lynn pen. The pen was actually off the hook. It had a picture of a clothed Gina Lynn but when you held it upside down, her clothes would miraculously disappear and all that’s left are beautiful breasts and her cooch. Needless to say, I’ve been using the pen at work and my palm’s been sweaty all day.

As I was standing in line waiting for my chance to meet her, I started looking around at the other people who were there. Now I’m not the classiest, best-looking or best-dressed kid in the world but these guys made me look like Brad Pitt. The old man in front of me had moles growing in places that I never knew existed.

I thought Gina Lynn was a Pure Pleasure contract girl but the posters she was handing out were Evil Angel ones…man, I’m obviously out of the loop.

I went with to the in-store with my girlfriend, who had never been to anything like this before. As we’re standing in line waiting our turn, I suddenly hear her say “Ohhh…look. It’s the ‘Happy Penis Cream’ that I used to use on you. Maybe we should buy some more.” I looked over expecting to see the 1 oz. bottle that we had used before. However, what stood before me was what looked to be like a 12 oz. bottle of the cream. “Wow”, I thought to myself, “If my girl buys that for me I’ll be getting head on a daily basis.” Price check, Happy Penis Cream, aisle 2!

How come I had to be standing right next to a wall full of 12″ dildos. To my left were the dildos and to my right were group-packs of Trans-sexual DVDs. It doesn’t get much worse than that for a heterosexual young man, now does it?

There was a guy standing next to Gina Lynn as she was signing autographs who must have been her publicist. He was a nice guy and apparently a very well endowed one. Gina said that he had a 10-inch cock and had been laid by a bunch of her porn friends. After hearing about this and doing an interview with Jack Napier earlier in the week, can you see how a guy might have a complex about the size of his cock?

I guess meeting porn stars isn’t something that many boyfriends and girlfriends do together as my girl and I was the only couple there. I think that might be why Gina gave us some extra attention during our “photoshoot”. More guys should try and get their girls involved in things like this…my girl was a little nervous but told me after that she was really happy that I asked her to go with me.

One of the guys who was getting his photo taken with Gina went a little too far with her and there was almost a melee. As she was positioning his hand on her breast, he grabbed both of her titties and pulled down the top of the dress she was wearing. She immediately tried to push him off but he grabbed her and stuck his face in between her breasts. Everyone in line was in shock and didn’t know what to do. A staff member of the store rushed in and started pulling the guy off Gina. She was pissed off though and took one of her DVDs that she had on the table and hit the guy over his head with it. The staff member then tackled the guy onto the table where all of Gina’s promo goods were, and they went flying. Gina then started kicking the guy in the nuts! He was on the floor getting beat up by both Gina and the store’s staff member! Gina then started pulling his leg…like I’m pulling your’s. Ha!

[Just a note – be respectful to the girls, they love their fans but I’ve seen things like this happen! -Ed.]

The best part of the whole night was definitely when we got to take our photograph with Gina. My girl and I took our jackets off and positioned ourselves on each side of her. Gina immediately took control, though, and told us that I should stand behind her and hit her from the back while she squeezed my girl’s breast. With a resounding “Ok”, we diligently took our positions and had the picture taken. Gina’s waist and ass were really off the hook. I wanted to smack her ass but didn’t think it was appropriate at the time. After the photo, Gina told everyone that my girl’s heart was racing. Of course it was! Shit, if she touched my breast my heart rate (and dick rate) would be pumping hard, too!