Source: Adult Industry News
By: Shay Boogie

-Naudia Nyce in Third Degree’s Camel Hoes? Three words…ay Dios mio! I was never a huge Naudia fan but always liked her work in Redlight’s Cum Dumpsters series. However, she stole my heart in Camel Hoe’s when she inserted a butt plug in her ass, got face fucked, took a wonderful facial, had an orgasm, and exclaimed “I want cock for every hole”. Please…whatever you do…don’t ever change.
-Speaking of anal and assholes, am I the only one who finds it a bit disturbing when guys spread a girl’s asshole and it’s as big as a black hole? Especially after it’s been pounded by cock one too many times?
-Anyone know where I can buy Astro-Glide lube by the gallon? [They sell it in 55 gallon drums, see me later for where. -Ed.]
-My boy just came back from a trip to Buffalo and couldn’t say enough good things about Seductions, a strip-club located in Canada, right near Niagra Falls. He said that not only were the girls gorgeous, but the majority of them were “up” for anything. Of course the one girl he wanted to “explore” with turned out to be the prude of the bunch who didn’t want to have anything to do with him. I guess the “luck of the Irish” didn’t apply to him that evening. The stories he told me about his escapades have me yearning to go see our friendly neighbors north of the border.
-I remember back in 2000, I was at my friend’s house and he had to leave to do a few errands. He told me and another kid who was there to watch this porno that he just got from Japan. He said we wouldn’t believe what we’d see. Thinking that it was just going to be a hardcore sex film, we threw it on with no worries. After about five minutes we weren’t too impressed. What happened next though made our jaws drop. A petite woman kneeled over a guy who was lying down and proceeded to shit on his face. He then smothered it all over his face and the girl licked it off! It was by far the grossest and nastiest thing I had ever seen. How someone could watch that is beyond me…fuck, how someone could participate in it is even worse! Needless to say, that was the last time that I ever hung out at that kid’s house.
-How embarrassing was it when my father to caught me masturbating to a Chinese-edition of Penthouse that I bought in Chinatown when I was 16? Believe it or not, I still have that magazine to this day (although I can’t open it because the pages are stuck together).
-I think I’ve finally seen what perfection is…and she goes by the name of Pandora Dreams. Her ass is a 10, titties are a 10, legs are a 10…and her face…oooh boy! God definitely blessed this woman. The first time I saw her was in Young Ripe Mellons #6 and I was immediately transfixed to the screen. Even Pandora’s minor overbite can be overlooked…hey, the Mona Lisa wasn’t perfect, right? What a piece of ass (Pandora, not the Mona Lisa).
-Is it me or am I seeing Asian women with bigger busts nowadays? Not trying to stereotype, but I have historically seen very few Asian women with large chests. Whatever is causing this metamorphosis, I like, I like!
-Which would you rather fuck? A woman with big breasts and no ass or a woman with small titties and a big ass? Personally, if a girl doesn’t have a big ass then it’s a disappointment. There’s nothing to hold onto or slap. Titties are great but even with small ones you can have lots of fun. Gimme a phat ass like any of those featured in Zero Tolerance’s Ass Cleavage and I’ll be one happy camper.
-Big props have to go out to Devinn Lane. Not only is she a class act but her “reality” television program “7 Lives Exposed” always manages to give me a good chuckle. The best scenes are when the roommates get into fights with each other in the kitchen. The Real World could learn a thing or two from Ms. Lane’s show. Not to mention, homegirl has one great set of nipples.