Real Story on Heidi Fleiss Party


Source: Intoxicate U

By: Brad Thomas

Heidi Fleiss

Hey Everybody,

This is the true story behind the Heidi Fleiss Party that DID Take Place Friday Oct 1st.

I am going to cut to the chase and leave some details out as who knows where this will go, but there will be plenty of stories in the press in the following weeks. This is just so you get the facts and for those of you who showed at the Henry Fonda and missed our Flyer people who were redirecting people, so you know what happened.

It is also for those who showed up to the actual party but were a wondering about the door situation and why you got charged if you were originally suppose to be VIP.

Let me first say I truly apologize for the Hassle everyone was put through. My partners (Jeff Mullen & Scott David) and I went through 3 days of hell, trust me!

As you all know this party was suppose to happen at Xes on Oct 1st. Well about a week before this party was going to happen the RSVPs starting rolling in and the press started calling. It was blowing up which is what we wanted.

Well apparently word got out to the right people and the wrong people. Without getting into too many details (they will come out later at the appropriate time), by Wednesday afternoon a day and a half before the party the politics of Hollywood had taken over. Law enforcement threw every excuse in the book at us why this party could not happen at Xes.

Xes had there hands tied. There was no way it was going to happen. Too much traffic, too much this, Heidi Fleiss, this, that, Dublins, old problems, grudges from 10 years ago, yada yada ya.

It was our fault however that we mentioned nudity in our email. That was a mistake on our part. There was none at the party anyway. We quickly fixed all problems such as Nudity and got rid of the Sponsored free shots for P-Star Girls. Actually Scott, Jeff and I bought them ourselves for the girls. We took care of all the problems everyone had with this party. Then we moved it to the Henry Fonda and everyone seemed to be happy but the politics of Hollywood were simply waiting for the right moment to screw us and all of you!

We were all ready to go. The fact that we moved it only made it more of a Media buzz. Everyone wanted in. It was getting crazy. So on the morning of Friday Oct 1st as I am deep into Santa Clarita picking up the Banners for the party, I get the call from Scott that says “they are trying to shut us down again”! Oh my God I thought! There was way too much money invested, too much time, and all of you expected a party after all this shit!

By 3:00pm as I was in Chatsworth now picking up some lights for the press board, it was official the party would not happen at Henry Ford, Period. The Henry Ford had no choice but to give into the pressure that was put on them by what I call the Politics of Hollywood because it is still not clear exactly where the main pressure was coming from and why? Law enforcement, Neighbors, City Counsel, who knows but there was no way to do the party there.

Scott and I got on the phone and said “now what”. 4 hours to go, over 1500 RSVPs (and I had not even seen the Sub-promoters lists yet), lots of money spent, and no place to do a party on a Friday night. Uhmmmm? This was bad…

Scott said “Fuck’em we are going to do the party.” “Alright then, Fuck’em, Lets do the party, we can pull it off” I said. Jeff concurred…

By 5:00pm we had inked a deal with a new place which will remain nameless just because I feel better that way although no laws were broken or anything like that. It was just like any other Friday night at a club except the vibe and people were extra good on this night.

We knew there was no way to reach all the RSVPs and we could not send out an email because we did not want our adversaries to find out where the party was and give us problems even though we were doing absolutely nothing wrong. So all of it had to be word of mouth. We got on the phone but we also had to set up for the party.

We had to let all the people involved know, such as the DJ, Go-Gos, Companies involved, press, etc, etc… all within a few hours and try and get a decent amount of people their so the party did not suck. It was an impossible task. We called all the industry insiders we could think of and told them to spread the word. We also put people in front of Xes and Henry Fonda with flyers alerting everyone of the situation and where the party had moved. That was the best we could do.

We had been dealing with all this madness all day so there was no chance to run all the way back to the valley, check email for extra RSVPs (there were over 100 sitting in my box when I check it later the next day) organize the list and then try to collect all the RSVPs from other promoters. No way!

So what we decided to do was trash all the lists. No VIP, No $20 cover, none of that. We would just let everyone in as they came and let all the ladies in for free no matter what and charge all the guys $10 each. We would rather charge everyone a pathetic little $10 than charge the VIPs $20 and not know it because we had no list and piss all of you off. This was our only solution to a very bad situation.

It was a huge lose to us but all worth it in the end. We actually probably walked away after all the shit from this party in the negative after expenses. So for all of you that paid that should not of paid, I offer my sincerest apologizes but I don’t think it was much to ask considering the situation. That $10 allows us to be able to continue to do other parties.

The rest is history. Those of you that came (about 700 in all, it was packed!) know it was a hell of a party, specially considering we had 4 hours to do it. I can’t imagine what would have happened if we would of done it at the Henry Fonda. It would have been nuts! Hell it was still Kick Ass!! For those of you who missed it because you went by the Henry Ford and left because it was closed or because you got word it was canceled, I truly apologize but the situation was out of our hands and we did our best to handle a very bad situation.

I find it unbelievable that there was all this fuss over a party! I have been doing this a long time (well it seems like a long time when your out every night) and I have never had this problem before. All of you know what my parties are like. We never break any laws. We throw a party for your enjoyment. There are never any fights, no sex, no drugs, none of the shit that everyone seemed to think was going to happen at this party and Why? Was it because Heidi Fleiss was hosting it? What a joke! Is she going to start a prostitution ring in the middle of the club?!

Reality people, Reality. Was it because it was tied to the Adult Industry? Oh no! Did they think everyone was going to go running through the streets naked. I have done all kinds of parties, Parties for Movies, Celebrities, Corporations, Adult Industry, weekly clubs, personal friends, etc, etc. Everyone gets drunk the same, everyone likes to dance to good music, everyone makes an ass out of themselves at least once, everyone likes good food. It really is pretty simple and it really is pretty disgusting how we got treated like criminals before we had even done anything.

It makes me wonder why does the city let all these clubs even open if they are not going to let them do business in the first place. We are one of the top 3 markets in the nation and yet we close at 2:00am and have more rules than any other major city.

Miami, Las Vegas, and New York are killing us. We should be the place to be. This is Hollywood! But why would any businesses want to come here. We make it as undesirable as possible to want to do business in this city. Vegas is a 24 hour city and they don’t have any more problems then we do but they are growing 100 times faster and making 100 times the money while we all sit back and watch it happen from Tinsel town.

Anyway I don’t mean to get off the subject but to all of you who made it out, Thank you. We appreciate your interests, loyalty to us and understanding of the situation that occurred. To all of you who missed the party we hope you will make it out to the next one and continue to look forward to our events.

Thank you,

Brad Thomas


Intoxicate U Entertainment