Source: Zero Tolerance Entertainment
By: Company Press Release

Who’s Your Daddy 5 Directed by Greg Alves, starring Alex Devine, Zenza Raggi, Taylor Knight, Brooklyn, Sammie Rhodes, Hayley Bangg, Naudia Rio, Nadia Styles, Sascha, Luissa Rosso, Chris Charming, Mr. Pete, Ben English and Mark Wood.
You guys just love it when we call you Daddy, huh. Hey Daddy… don’t you want to be able to fuck me like this any time you want? Well hurry up and cum then so we can go eat sushi already. Nothing is free around here. Oooh yeah, Daddy, just like that, I’ve been a bad little girl! And since you fucked my ass and we swallowed cum this time, you’re taking us to the mall and buying us new purses! And shoes! That’s it, just like that, fuck me harder Daddy! What do you think we are, some kind of hookers or something?
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