Genesis Parody Ideas


Source: Innocent Words Magazine & Records

By: Troy Michael

Dear Adult Community,

I am working on another story for Genesis Magazine and I would like for you to participate. I am looking for adult film titles that play off mainstream titles. For example the classic Romancing the Bone was taken from Romancing the Stone.

Also we interested in some of the cleverest porn names in the business. Example would be in the 80s there was Kimberly Kupps who had Huge breasts or Lisa Lipps who had Huge… well you get the idea.

This does include past and present movies and stars. Anything that made you giggle or laugh out loud when you saw the name.

Thanks for all your help and we look forward to some of the top (and funny) answers to make us laugh.


Troy Michael

Innocent Words Magazine & Records

c/o Troy Michael

P.O. Box 674

Danville, Illinois 61834