Source: All Media Play
By: Company Press Release

(NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA) — Porn superstar and party girl Mary Carey will get naked this weekend at North Hollywood’s Blue Zebra Adult Cabaret during a series of feature dancing shows that promises to deliver a bit of political wit and a whole lot of nudity.
Carey, the free spirited Kick Ass Pictures contract girl will be appearing for three consecutive evenings starting Thursday, August 19th and running through Saturday, August 21st in what promises to be a wildly fun and unpredictable engagement.
Carey, who lost a close California Governor’s race by only a few million votes to Arnold Schwarzenegger is a fan favorite who loves getting out and meeting the guys and gals who buy her videos.
“I love it when I get to bang, I mean hang with my fans and just have some fun” stated the statuesque blond whose fun loving personality is as infectious as her naughty sex scenes.
“Mary Carey is a party waiting to happen”, stated Jeff Mullen of All Media Play, a company that works closely with the outgoing provocateur.
Carey will also be guest hosting Playboy Radio’s Nightcalls this Wednesday evening with Tiffany Granath.
Fans can see Mary Carey at the Blue Zebra Adult Cabaret, 6872 Farmdale Avenue in North Hollywood, CA. 91606 (818) 765-7739.
Don’t miss one of America’s great political leaders this Thursday August 19th at 9PM and midnight, 20th at 9PM, 11PM and 1AM and the 21st at 9PM, and 1AM at the Blue Zebra Adult Cabaret.