Source: The Sunday Mail
By: Roberta Mancuso

(TOWNSVILLE, NORTH QUEENSLAND) — Townsville City Council is annoyed at the lack of time given to process and advise on liquor licensing, adult entertainment and gaming permit applications after being made to “rush through” advice about a Ms Nude Striptease Competition in Townsville.
Councillor Jenny Hill said the council had received a request through Liquor Licensing asking whether the council objected to a “Ms Nude” contest at the Bank nightclub last night.
“Staff were given less than five days to make a comment,” Cr Hill said.
“We had difficulty getting information regarding who was going to take part in the competition, whether they would coax women from the floor to be in the competition or use professional girls.
“We found they would be using a professional troupe.”
A group called “Bombshells”, a professional striptease agency from Sydney, ran the competition, billed as the “North Queensland State Final 2004”.
Bombshells manager Tracey Craig said the event was open only to professional strippers from across North Queensland.
Ms Craig described it as the “Australian Idol of stripping competitions”.
“It’s a way to improve their career with a title such as Ms Nude Australia or Ms Nude Queensland,” she said.
“It is just not a sleazy event. Believe it or not, they are judged on their talent or glamour. It’s not about how rude or nude she can get. If she is obviously and deliberately crude she is removed from the stage immediately.”
Cr Hill said the council did not knock back the application because the women were professional strippers, but said it had made recommendations the club follow safety guidelines and provide a space for clubbers who did not want to watch nude women but still wanted to stay in the venue.
“We are annoyed at the way Liquor Licensing wanted us to look at this and rush it through,” Cr Hill said.
“We think there are still a few loopholes in all this.
“Liquor Licensing should have been providing us with that information rather than asking us to comment.
“We are asking next time to be given more time to get more information.”
The council will seek to meet with Queensland’s Fair Trading Minister Margaret Keech over the incident.