Alexis Fire Accident, May Lose Foot


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Steve Nelson

Alexis Fire

(SACRAMENTO, CA) — While rehearsing a dance routine for the Erotic Exotic Ball this October 23, Alexis, who is known for a rough and tumble show, was practicing a dangerous move that went tragic.

She missed the padding set up to land on from a 15 foot ledge and hit cement. With a broken heel she was admitted to surgery that day and currently has her foot and heel pinned together.

“It was a terrible accident and she had to have surgery on her foot last week,” said her husband Rob. “They had to pin it back together and its still a wait-and-see issue if she will lose her foot or not.”

With Alexis’ mounting hospital bills and not being able to work, those wishing to help out with donations to her hospital fund please send money to her at for PayPal, and other information.