Wrecked’ Em 2 from Zero Tolerance


Source: Zero Tolerance Entertainment

By: Company Press Release


(CHATSWORTH, CA) — Sharing is caring! Who cares if your cock is rubbing up against another man’s pleasure rod. It’s all about the friction, and right now you’re balls deep inside a beautiful babe’s butthole halfway to her colon! Never mind the company, the velvety-soft insides of that warm, tight poop chute is the only thing on your mind.

Plump round assholes yearning for fulfillment, dicks dueling for position and 6 scenes of devastating double anal debauchery it’s the kind of stuff love stories are made out of!

Starring Nikki Sun, directed by David Perry, also starring Lara Stevens, Frank Gun, David Perry, Bibi Fox, Lauro Giotto, Choky Ice, Sarah, George Uhl, Sarah O’ Neill, Roly Reeves, Anna Christ, Jenifer and Mike Foster.

Email Sales@ZTVideo or call 818.700.1872 for more info.

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