Porno Dan Hits Big Time in Washington Post


Source: Old Pueblo Distribution

By: Company Press Release

(WASHINGTON, DC) — The most powerful city in the world has a prudish reputation when it comes to sex. Danny Leal has made it his life’s challenge to probe for limits to Washington’s appetite for sex. So far, he can’t get arrested in this town.

Leal is, according to both his own hype and others in the pornography trade, the area’s leading producer of porn videos and events. Operating out of his townhouse in Oakton, Leal — known in the biz as Porno Dan — is producer, director and occasional star of back room flicks such as "Public Exposure in D.C.," which consists of a grotesque exhibitionist exposing herself in bright sunshine in front of the Ronald Reagan Building, the American History Museum, Washington Harbour and the Washington Monument, which Leal, as narrator, identifies as "The Capitol."

Well, no one watches this stuff for the story.

Leal, who keeps three lawyers in his employ, specializes in flash videos, in which women take their clothes off in public places — streets, clubs, sports events. Every year, he drives a bus load of strippers to the Preakness Stakes, where, he says, "You put them in front of a crowd and they start flashing and then it’s monkey see, monkey do."

Why do people do this? "People like seeing girls topless in public places," the director explains. Neither he nor his movies get much deeper.

Leal, 34, has been doing this for five years now, and although police occasionally warn him against lewd acts in public, he says he and his performers have yet to be arrested for their street antics.

Porno Dan produces about 75 movies a year, filming around the world. He uses home video equipment and a directing style as shaky as your neighbor’s film of the fourth-grade Christmas pageant. "My stuff isn’t artistic," Leal says. "It’s very sophomoric humor."

Leal is a local kid made good — well, at least made big. At Lake Braddock High, he played football and was a member of the National Honor Society.

But by his own telling, he was also a brawler and hard drinker known at George Mason University for his abuse of fraternity rush rules and his tapes of his own sexual congress. The videos, passed from student to student, led to his impeachment as president of Mason’s Interfraternity Council.

Arnold Stein


Old Pueblo Distribution

3938 E Grant Rd

Suite # 257

Tucson, AZ 85712

