WantedList Presents Label that Labia Contest


Source: WantedList.com

By: Company Press Release


(LOS ANGELES, CA) — Though WantedList.com is a place where you can rent your adult DVDs anonymously through the mail, it’s also kind of like taking a sex education class via correspondence. As a result the WantedList crew have decided to put porn consumers to the test with a brand new contest, Label that Labia, wherein sharp-eyed viewers have the opportunity to win an all-you-can-eat one-month membership to WantedList.com!

“For inspiration and new ideas, the WantedList executive staff likes to turn to Red Bull and vodka as our muse. Most days we like to sit around the conference table, drink and ask typical drunken questions, like ‘What if uhh… C-A-T, really spelled dog?'” says WantedList.com co-founder Anh Tran. “One hazy morning, the question was asked: ‘Can you tell for certain what your girl’s vag looks like if you were given a random, but similar snatch shot?’ Considering we know about two girls between all of us that would be willing to take a snapshot of their vagina and none of us felt like running to the ATM, we figured we’d go through our library of 10,000 titles to choose some images to play this game. Then it dawned on us – our customers know a lot about porn as well. Why not put them to the test and give them some interesting prizes if they can label whose labia it is among a field of five or six faces?”

And so the Label that Labia contest was born. Starting this June, users can check into the site every week for a new batch of vaginas to match to the corresponding visage. Select entrants will win a free month-long membership to WantedList.com, entitling them to adult DVD rentals delivered postage paid both ways in a non-descript envelope so they can study up for the following week’s challenge.

As for how long the contest will last? Says Tran, “There are many really good looking labias in the business and we’ve got 12 weeks worth of contests ready to rock.”

Do you want to win free porn? Sure you do. (Don’t worry, your details will be kept secret and you won’t be spammed.) Enter to win by visiting WantedList.com/Labia. The contest ends when it fails to amuse the WantedList.com staffers any longer. However, look out for more exciting contests with even bigger prizes to take us through the summer months.

WantedList.com is the earth’s first online adult DVD rental service boasting over 9000 titles, far outweighing any brick-and-mortar store’s inventory. Customers pay a flat fee every month to have the adult DVDs of their choice mailed to them in nondescript envelopes with a return mailer attached. Postage is paid for both ways by WantedList. No late fees, no travel, and complete anonymity – it’s the next evolution of porn consumption.

For more information about WantedList.com, and to get a free trial membership, please contact:

Carly Milne

Publicist, Sin Spin
