Source: Peach DVD
By: Company Press Release

(HUNTINGTON PARK, CA) — Peach Girls Rachel Elizabeth and Jelena Jensen made a special in-store appearance at the Huntington Park, CA Ritmo Latino location this past Saturday, May 26, 2004. Fans lined up for a chance to meet and get autographs from the Peach Girls.
Ritmo Latino sponsored a special offer during the signing on Jelena and Rachel’s DVD titles, Phone Sex Fantasies and or Girls Night in. Any customer who bought either title was allowed to pose for a Polaroid picture with the girls. The store was very pleased with the turn out of their first in-store appearance by erotic stars and looks forward to the next event.
The Peach Girls who always enjoy meeting their fans thought it was a great success and look forward to the next event. “It is always nice to meet and interact with our fans, can’t wait to next time.” Jelena Jensen.
As a former fashion model, Peach Girl Rachel Elizabeth is used to crowds and wanted the fans at Ritmo Latino to know “Ritmo took great care of us and I look forward to making another appearance in their store,”
To find out when the next Peach Girls appearance is keep checking with
For more information on the in-store appearance or Peach DVD please contact Robbie Conley at 800-822-8339 or email