Beaches and Babes, Possibly Controversial Stuff


Source: Dave Cummings

By: Company Press Release

Dave Cummings

From the Trenches – By the time you get to the bottom of this month’s column you might be wondering if I was tipsy or something when I wrote it. Truth is, other than being high on life, I’m totally sober; but, instead of me avoiding controversy like I so often do, I’m gonna stick my big toe in the water a bit.

Feel free to disagree, after all that’s what America and our Constitution allows and encourages—if you don’t want to email me directly at, send it (especially any negative comments) to one of the adult news and/or gossip sites. Here’s some of my First Amendment protected personal opinions.


I live near the coastline of San Diego, so naturally I spend a lot of time jogging or brisk-walking the area’s beaches and boardwalks. I sometimes play beach volleyball , and I eat there often (perhaps a little too often, judging by my expanding waistline!). Yesterday, I jogged on a beach just north of San Diego, near Delmar, and ate a leisurely breakfast at a serene outdoor cafe’ where lots of females were also enjoying the food and peacefulness; it’s a middle-to-upper class city, with lots of high priced cars and homes, and all shapes/sizes/ages of women. The Delmar cafes and sidewalks are loaded with locals, as well as tourists. Lots of health advocates, too!

This morning, I met some friends for breakfast at the Pacific/Mission Beach area of San Diego, an area like one sees in some movies and television programs showing bikini-clad “California” girls on roller blades, skateboards, bikes, and feet. Most seem to be recent high school grads and college girls who are into exercise, sun, and fun. It’s interesting to watch how tourist parents gawk at the girls, and how some try and shield their kids from seeing the bouncing boobs under the bra-less shirts! It’s also interesting to see the guys and girls relentlessly hitting on each other, like sex is without risk or consequences and requires no sense of responsibility–having said that, I thankfully sense from comments and conversations with these young American adults that condoms are frequently used when they “mate” for their flings!

It’s refreshing to see them having fun on the beaches, almost as if they have no cares or stresses in their lives. I just returned home from doing a brisk 5-mile round trip walk up and down the boardwalk while enjoying the ocean air, the views of the sexy girls, and interaction between the sexes; as sometimes happens, I was invited to stop for a beer by some college youngsters who recognized me—I have to tell you that it’s enlightening to chat with them, and to hear their conversations and gauge their standards, values, priorities, and goals for life after their beach days!

Many are oblivious to anything but their next beer or tanning appointment, but many others are attuned to national and international happenings; and, they have opinions! I also frequent the beaches and cafes of Coronado, just across the Bay from downtown San Diego, populated by lots of military bases/facilities, Navy and Marine retirees, and somewhat conservative locals; and, to add balance of sorts to what I experience in my visits to Coronado, I’ll usually spend some time jogging/eating/people-watching at the Ocean Beach area of San Diego where present and past “hippies” and liberals provide a spark of vitality to the beach “town”.

Alright, so why have I provided all the foregoing? The bottom line is that the old fart (me!), has observed the physical/sexual appearance of present day females who frequent the beach areas, and I’m noticing a deterioration of sorts. Granted, San Diego and Southern California has some of most astonishingly beautiful girls in the world; and, some of the girls I’ll tell you about in a moment might not even be from west of the Mississippi, or even from the United States, but….!

Ok, here’s my observation, in general I’m seeing more girls, or a higher percentage, over the last year or two, who appear to look 8-10 pounds overweight. Now, don’t get me wrong, I personally prefer sex with girls who have a little meat on their bones, but lately more and more girls look like their hips are widening and their tummies are entertaining too much pizza. Keep in mind that my observations are objective, but might have a tinge of subjectivity; and, I acknowledge that I personally am considerably overweight.

Judging by the television report I just heard as I was returning from grabbing a couple of fattening chocolate chip cookies from my kitchen, America has a growing obesity problem which might affect future health and well-being! So, I guess my observations might not be so controversial after all! Obviously, from news reports, some men must likewise be experiencing weight gain; I’ve also noticed some of that at the beaches, but it might be more pronounced outside of San Diego where there aren’t so many physically fit military males amongst the population.

My observation is considerably controversial, especially since I subjectively see and work with Adult Actresses who don’t usually look overweight at all, but some of the present beach girls seem to be exhibiting some weight gain. “Nuff” said!

Terrorism still haunts us.

I’m convinced the religious radicals who kill in the name of Allah are doomed to hell, not virgins! I wish that the Many non-radical Islam followers would somehow be able to inject common sense into the radicals, and true and lasting peace could permanently follow. It would be awful if something had to happen similar to what was done to the Japanese living in America during the Second World War.

It’d be shameful if a system unavoidably had to be placed into effect to screen all Moslems presently living (or visiting?) in the United States to determine that they are innately and totally against religious tyranny and violence against America (or any nation or person, for that matter); as a condition for remaining in America, mandate that they take a “truth” pill and a fool-proof lie detector-type test of some sort. It seems logical, yet so intrusive. The test could include whatever questions are appropriate to determine who/what/why/how/where they know that might be even a remote threat to the security of America.

Those not fully passing the test would be immediately and permanently deported. Immigration procedures and visa issuance might also have to encompass the aforementioned procedures. The American borders and airspace, and inbound missile avenues, would have to be flawlessly tightened.

Controversial–absolutely! Paranoid–somewhat! Necessary–seemingly, because it’s starting to look like we need to do something other than just “hope” the bad guys will go away and leave us alone; the “bad guys” are following their religious objectives and probably can’t rationally be deterred from pursuing their radical beliefs. But, perhaps responsible religious clerics and families can try to implant some reality into the Islamic terrorists, and make them see that what they are doing angers their Allah and damns them to hell, not virgins! I hope terrorism can be stopped so that we never have to purge the United States to protect ourselves like we did 60-65 years ago to the Japanese.

HIV “Scare”

The Adult Industry’s HIV “scare” is unleashing government bureaucrats who want to regulate it into all sorts of restrictions. Although some condom-only companies might benefit from certain government mandates for the future, some others might be snuffed out of business (causing a loss of jobs, government tax revenues, etc)–It might also cause some companies to leave the city or state or country, to shoot video, or go “underground” thus possibly making the present testing system less efficient/enforceable; It’s worrisome what could happen!

The present system seemed to work reasonably well in identifying and containing the “scare”, so in my opinion there’s no need for any level of government to single out the Adult Industry for bureaucratic mandates.

In order to not look like it was doing “selective” regulating, might not the government want/need to also regulate and intrude into American bedrooms, dating services, swinging groups, bars, fraternities/sororities, New Year’s Eve parties or other events where drinking and partying might lead to sex of some sort, etc? Gosh, I don’t think any of us voters want bureaucrats (like the ones who operate the nation’s DMV operations) imposing intrusive governmental legislation upon citizens.

I personably believe that: condom use should be an individual’s choice; that certain companies should be able to mandate condoms if they want to as a condition for contracting talent to appear in sex roles; that certain companies should be allowed to contract for talent who want to perform without condoms in their sex roles; and, that ALL companies should voluntarily agree to cease shooting anal creampies.

If (and only “IF”) the only way to make government go away and leave us alone is to agree to no creampies and one other “give-up”, perhaps using condoms for anal intercourse might be an option.

I also feel that the present testing regimen and frequency is adequate. Controversial? Yup!

Something that’s not controversial is the need for all Americans, especially those who (even) sometimes view or fantasize about Adult Entertainment, to register to vote, to become informed citizens about the issues and the positions of challengers and the records of incumbents, and to actually vote.

Dave Cummings