Source: Sin Spin PR
By: Company Press Release

(CHATSWORTH, CA) — In an effort to further diversify its offerings, Pure Play Media Inc. Has reached an agreement with Simon Wolf Productions that will see the company take over worldwide distribution for Simon Wolf titles. Though the deal was signed this month, Pure Play’s distribution will officially begin in July.
“Pure Play is about adding the top quality product, and Simon Wolf is doing very well,” says Pure Play Media CEO Richard Arnold. “We have a good relationship with them, so we decided to further that. They have 100 titles in their catalog – which adds to our company’s offerings – they have great presence, they’re embraced by both online and traditional retailers, and we feel this will be a great fit.”
With Pure Play Media taking over their distribution, this allows Simon Wolf to further focus on making their episodic and feature titles, the schedule for which they’ve cut back on to ensure quality control. Says Arnold, “We lessened the releases because they were doing eight per month, so we lowered it to four in order to keep it fresh and keep the quality in place.”
The first release through Pure Play is the young girl title Young Pink Volume 6, which streets July 7th.
“We’re very excited to bring this line on,” Arnold notes. “It adds an element to Pure Play that we don’t have, which is the young girl approach. A lot of their product is in that young girl gonzo style, so it fits perfectly in our catalog. Plus Simon Wolf makes the odd feature here and there, and those are extremely well made.”
As there will be a transitional period, Jason Elliott will still be dealing with Simon Wolf’s customer base and will be handling all reorders and fulfillment until Pure Play has completely taken over the distribution. Elliott is available at (818) 407 1011.
For more information on Pure Play Media Inc., please contact:
Carly Milne
Sin Spin PR