A Note From a Friend, Steve Seidman


Source: Letters to the Editor

By: Steve Seidman

Steve Seidman

(HOUSTON, TX) — First, today is my birthday. I know, I didn’t think dirt was that old! But, it so happens and I never expected to see 40 no less than 56, I’m happy and even healthy here in Houston where the sun is hot and the ladies (with teeth) are even hotter.

Now for my words of wisdom. I’ve been associated with the adult business for many a year. I’ve been through previous scares and have seen the changes, most positive but then there was some negative and out of this grew the scams and scammers.

First, I realize that shooting overseas can be cheaper and some of the ladies, Oh My! But, testing procedures are sometimes lacking, suggestion, all performers coming home from overseas should be put on a 45-60 day quarantine. This is a price you’ve got to pay to help the industry stay safe.

Second, with the current scare any, and I do mean ANY, actor who tries to work while on the quarantine list should be BANNED from any more performances for LIFE. He is possibly issuing a death sentence let’s police ourselves.

Third, condom only? Hardly!

Fourth, if actors can’t be responsible enough to keep tests current and go to set with false information, suspend them for 3 months, cutting their pay may break them into reality. If it happens a second times, BAN them.

Once again these are my opinions and hopefully everything will turn out for the best.

Happy Birthday to me!

[Happy Birthday back at you. -Ed.]