Seymore Butts Wants you To Help with his Store Locator


Source: Sin Spin PR

By: Company Press Release

Seymore Butts

(CHATSWORTH, CA) — Seymore Butts is pretty close to having a household name, but he’s now taking measures to become even more so. In an effort to make his product more easily accessible to consumers across the country, Seymore is launching a store locator on his website at, and he needs your help!

“It’s really in an answer to many requests made by fans who live in certain areas of the country and find it hard to locate my movies at stores,” says Butts. “These are generally people who stay away from internet purchases and like to actually walk away with the product in hand after they buy it, and so in an effort to make it easier for old and new fans alike to find my products, I’m going to attempt to list every store in the United States on my site.”

In making the Store Locator the most accurate and comprehensive – in addition to helping out stores that might not yet carry his product – Seymore would like to hear from store owners across the nation who either currently carry his product or want to carry his product. Retailers will have the opportunity to benefit from free advertising courtesy of the site’s six-figure viewership, and the Store Locator will be searchable both via zip code and by a visual map that will allow users to find shops by clicking on the state of their choice.

“It’s a win/win situation,” Butts explains. “Based on exhaustive studies we’ve done, we’ve calculated that people have wasted 262,000 gallons of gasoline searching for my product and ultimately have come up empty handed, so we want to do our part for the environment. The store wins because it gets more business, the fan wins because they’re not wasting time and gas, and environment wins because less harmful emissions are released into the atmosphere.”

According to Pure Play Media Inc. CEO Richard Arnold, the company has been deluged with requests for Butts’ product thanks to the thrice-weekly reruns of Butts’ popular reality TV show Family Business on Showtime, leading him to believe the Store Locator will be a key move to satisfy customer demand.

“I think it’s a great idea – we get a lot of requests from general public and if it helps people get his product that’s a fantastic thing,” Arnold notes. “In light of his show there shouldn’t be too many retailers who don’t carry his product, but this will help the odd retailer that isn’t while showing how lucrative it is for them to do so. The show is hitting a consumer that is outside of our regular consumer, and if that’s driving these people to the local adult store that can only help everybody.”

If you are interested in helping with Seymore Butts’ Store Locator, please e-mail your name, address, phone numbers and hours of your store to Michael Goldberg at Though e-mail is preferable, if for some reason you are unable to e-mail your information, please call Pure Play Media toll free at (866) 820 3000.

For more information on Seymore Butts and Pure Play Media Inc., please contact:

Carly Milne

Sin Spin PR
