Source: Jill Kelly Productions
By: Company Press Release

(WEST HOLLYWOOD, CA) — Jill Kelly Productions President, Jill Kelly has announced that all shooting of any new JKP video productions will be halted until at least June because of the current HIV scare that is sweeping “Porn Valley.”
“We have always been a condom optional company and take the health of our talent very seriously.” says Kelly. “All JKP contract girls and hired talent are required to have their AIM tests [PCR-DNA AIDS test at Adult Industry Medical Healthcare Foundation] or they do not work. Period.”
Jill says ” anyone who continues to shoot at this point (which she knows of a few) are complete idiots.”
“Our production manager Chris Weber spoke to a male performer today who was on the second generation list posted on AVN, who had no idea he was even at risk!” says Kelly.
“All talent needs to do their research and please go get tested immediately. Anyone you may have come in contact with – take them to get tested also – you have no idea who they slept with and so on.”
Jill Kelly is available for interview requests.
Scott Hoover
Director of Publicity
Jill Kelly Productions
310-360-7900 x 129
310-270-5127 cell