Simon Wolf Recalls Films – Possible Underaged Porn Actress


Source: The Simon Wolf Organization

By: Company Press Release

The Simon Wolf Organization

To: All of Our Simon Wolf Customers

From: John Chambliss

Re: Recall of Two Titles

Although as of yet, we have no confirmation of any wrong doing, we feel a responsibility to protect you at all costs against any harm arising from the following potential problem situation.

We are advised of the possibility that an actress appearing in two of our titles may have presented us (as well as other studios) with false California ID… the logical assumption being that she may be under age. Her stage name is Savannah Moore, and she’s in the following two titles:

A. Blind Date

B. Young Stuff, 2

Insomuch as we cannot confirm the accuracy of this allegation, but in view of the potential severity it connotes, we ask that you immediately adopt the following actions: (1) discontinue the selling of these two titles; and (2) recall those you have already distributed.

Once advised by our lawyers, we will ask you to either: (a) return the titles to our office; or (B) destroy them.

We cannot begin to tell you how sorry we are about this situation, and fully recognize the problems it will cause you – especially if it turns out not to be true – but at this point, we would rather everyone be “safe than sorry”.

Incidentally, she’s supposedly on her way over here right now with “valid” I.D., but we obviously can’t count on it until we see it – then verify whatever she “supposedly” has.

John L. Chambliss

The Simon Wolf Organization

Chris Taylor

Simon Wolf Organization


818.407.0893, fax