Vegas Porn Party & Swing Club Support


Source: Stevi Secret

By: Company Press Release

Stevi Secret

(LAS VEGAS, NV) — Hi everybody, Vegas Porn Party Week is here and the Stevi Secret Yahoo Group will be Vegas Porn Party Central! Starting today Sunday, I will be doing “Almost Live” Reports, with pics from some of the hottest pornstar parties and events direct from the big Internext,BonCon and AEE Conventions in Las Vegas! As I get information I’ll be posting party info, video and gangbang info too.

Whether you are in Vegas for the festivities or observing from afar, be sure and check the group as often as you can this week. I’ve started the celebration by placing a new banner pic on the group page (me and some celebrated Vegas neon figures). Hold onto your hats, it’s Vegas Porn Party 2004!

Support Swing Clubs!

As many of you know, the swing clubs in Phoenix AZ have come under attack recently through a series of police raids. These raids are not ONLY designed to close down these clubs but also adversely affect your rights to practice consensual adult sex. While the raids are occurring in Phoenix, this is an issue of concern to free thinking adults no matter where you live. What’s happening in Phoenix today, will be happening in your town soon.

It’s time for us as adults to take action. Below you will find several sample letters prepared for your convenience. There are letters below for both Arizona residents and non residents to send, along with mailing instructions. Please take a few minutes of your time to let your voice be heard on this important issue facing all of us. Thank you for your time!

Stevi Secret

PS to Stevi Secret Yahoo Group Members: Solidarity builds momentum. After you have sent your letter please make a quick post in the group telling people you have done so. Don’t wait for the other guy, everybody do your part!


Letter 1 – for Phoenix residents

Dear Phoenix City Council Member:

I am a registered voter and resident of Phoenix. I oppose the recent City of Phoenix enforcement actions targeting private membership clubs for consenting adults interested in nontraditional sex practices. Surely the City of Phoenix has more important things to spend time and the taxpayer’s money on than hassling clubs that harm no one.

These police raids, and the ordinance on which they are based, are efforts to impose on all of us a narrow-minded morality expressed by religious political extremists. There is no reputable scientific evidence that these clubs or their activities are harmful to individuals, neighborhoods, the City or anything else. The Supreme Court of the United States recently ruled that such an effort to impose a moral view can not justify government intrusion into our privacy or infringement of our right to enjoy liberty and pursue happiness.

Millions of American adults – including your neighbors, friends, ministers, teachers, military personnel, lawyers, and doctors – participate in these activities. And many of them, like me, vote and want to support candidates that oppose government interference in the private lives of consenting adults.


Letter 2 – for Arizona residents

Dear Phoenix City Council Member:

Although I do not reside in Phoenix, I am a registered voter and resident of Arizona, I oppose the recent City of Phoenix enforcement actions targeting private membership clubs for consenting adults interested in nontraditional sex practices. Surely the City of Phoenix has more important things to spend time and the taxpayer’s money on than hassling clubs that harm no one.

These police raids, and the ordinance on which they are based, are efforts to impose on all of us a narrow-minded morality espoused by religious political extremist groups. There is no reputable scientific evidence that these clubs or their activities are harmful to individuals, neighborhoods, the City or anything else. The Supreme Court of the United States recently ruled that such an effort to impose a moral view cannot justify government intrusion into our privacy or infringement of our right to enjoy liberty and pursue happiness.

Millions of American adults – including your neighbors, friends, ministers, teachers, military personnel, lawyers, and doctors – participate in these activities. And many of them, like me, vote and want to support candidates that oppose government interference in the private lives of consenting adults.


Letter 3 – for Concerned Americans outside of Arizona

Dear Phoenix City Council Member:

Although I am not a resident of Phoenix, I travel and have considered Phoenix as a place I would like to visit. I cannot, however, in good conscious, support a city that takes such repressive action that infringes our personal privacy. I will reconsider supporting the economy in Phoenix only when the city changes its views on private clubs.

I believe that the recent City of Phoenix enforcement actions targeting private membership clubs for consenting adults interested in nontraditional sex practices are illegal. The United States Supreme Court recently ruled that government has no business enforcing a narrow view of morality on its citizens. That is precisely what is happening here.

There is no reputable scientific evidence that these clubs or their activities are harmful to individuals, neighborhoods, the City or anything else. Surely the City of Phoenix has more important things to spend their time and the taxpayer’s money on than hassling clubs that harm no one.

Millions of American adults – including your neighbors, friends, ministers, teachers, military personnel, lawyers, and doctors – participate in these activities. You are going to find that they, like me, oppose government interference in the private lives of consenting adults. This oppressive policy can only alienate potential visitors to Phoenix (like me) and, I hope and believe, impel Phoenix voters to get rid of a City administration that tolerates such abuse of citizens’ rights.


The following is the official introduction to the Campaign

We have a very important message to convey to all lifestyle people. We encourage you to take a few minutes and send the City of Phoenix a message. The email below is currently being sent all over the country.

Alternative Lifestyles Unite

Concerned citizens, our goal is to alert Phoenix’s new Mayor, Phil Gordon, and our City Council, of our concerns regarding the repression of alternative lifestyles in this City. We feel our constitutional rights to freedom of expression, privacy, and to peacefully co-exist, in a society built on differences, have been violated. Morality should not be dictated by the government!

Help us to spread the word that we are many, we have a vision and we have a voice.

Please take 5 minutes out of your day to stand up and be counted. Email letters can be sent automatically at You can find form letters or create your own. All email addresses are provided. (Dave adds in addition to the City Council please also send to Mayor Phil Gordon at

Send this email to as many as you can. Numbers matter.


A Message To Our Friends and Allies From the Woodhull Freedom Federation

The Woodhull Freedom Federation has entered the struggle in Phoenix against that city’s repressive and, we believe, unconstitutional prosecution of gay men’s and swingers’ private clubs. We need your help on this important effort.

For five years, an agency of the City of Phoenix has been raiding and harassing swingers’ clubs under a local ordinance that makes it a crime to ‘operate a live sex act business’ . Recently, a gay men’s bathhouse was also raided under that ordinance. These actions fly directly in the face of the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling, in Lawrence v. Texas, that governments cannot take action against private sexual expression solely to impose moral views on its citizens. This ordinance has no legitimate justification. Moreover, its enforcement has discriminatively targeted sexual minorities,swingers and GLBT clubs while ignoring businesses (like adult motels) that obviously fall within the terms of this ordinance.

This will not be an easy battle. Powerful religious political extremist groups, notably the Community Defense Counsel, are behind the Phoenix oppression and will pull out all the stops to continue what they see as a significant vindication of their anti-sex agenda. However, even though Phoenix is in many ways a conservative city, polls show public disapproval of these raids and the local press has thus far been largely on our side.

Phoenix residents are organizing politically to fight this battle, but they need your help. WFF is helping these activists as part of our initiative to help local communities organize around issues of sexual liberty. Please take a moment to write a letter to the City Council about this important issue. Email responses can be sent to the appropriate City Council representative automatically at

Thank you for your help and support.

Sincerely, Judy a. Guerin Co-director, Woodhull Freedom Federation

Woodhull Freedom Federation and Foundation

1312 18th Street NW, Suite 103

Washington, DC 20036

202-466-2900 (phone)

202-466-6242 (fax)


The Woodhull Freedom Foundation and Federation (WFF) are devoted to education and public advocacy in support of the proposition that safe and consensual sexual expression is a fundamental human right.

Based in Washington, DC, WFF brings together experienced, successful sexual freedom activists who seek to eliminate the barriers, governmental and private, to expressions of human sexuality in the United States and around the world. Helping to mobilize diverse grassroots communities, WFF utilizes lobbying, outreach, and education to help change antiquated and unjust sex laws. ————- Dave adds: Victoria Woodhull was the out-spoken, “racy” activist who introduced sex-positivist values to America during the Victorian era. She believed that both men and women had a right to “free love” without government or public intervention. Throughout the 1870s, she lectured and published, arguing against society’s sexual double standard. Woodhull advocated sexual satisfaction and love for all, legal prostitution, the right to multiple partners, and supported people’s abilities to make their own decisions about consensual sexual activities.

“To those who denounce me, I reply: Yes I am a free lover. I have an inalienable, constitutional and natural right to love whom I may, to love as long or as short a period as I can; to change that love every day if I please.” – Victoria Woodhull

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