Letter From Scott Tucker, President FSC


Source: Free Speech X-press


Free Speech Coalition

Dear Friends & Free Speech Coalition Members,

After four years with the Free Speech Coalition, it is with no small regret that I must inform you that I am stepping down as President of the FSC Board as of January 2004.

First and foremost, I’d like to say that it’s been an honor to serve FSC as a board member and as the President. I thank you all for allowing me the opportunity to serve our industry through this most vital and influential organization.

I thank those members who believed in our mission and who donated their resources and their time. Over the past four years, I have seen FSC grow in its power and influence, becoming stronger and more respected with each passing day.

As proud as I am to be a part of this growth, the time has come for me to attend to my familial commitments and my growing business.

I will always believe strongly in FSC and its cause, and will make myself available to support its success in any way that I can. I have committed to remaining active and serving the board as an Advisory Board Member during this transitional period.

As my final act as President, I would like to issue a call to action. I am asking you, the members and lifeblood of the Free Speech Coalition, to bolster the strength of our organization. Help us by supporting us with your ideas, your energy and your financial commitment. We need industry veterans to continue to show their interest, as well as the more recent entrepreneurs who have less history, but lots of enthusiasm, to join in protecting our First Amendment rights.

Take a stand for your industry, step up, hear our plea, and join forces in maintaining a powerful trade association. Commit your time, your effort and your talents so the quest for true free speech can continue and that the Free Speech Coalition can flourish.

Again, it has been my privilege to serve. I truly have enjoyed the time spent working with all of you. Thank you all.


Scott Tucker

President, FSC