FSC General Membership Meeting


Source: Free Speech X-press


The Free Speech Coalition

Please plan to attend a General Membership Meeting of the Free Speech Coalition on Friday evening, January 23, 2004, beginning with cocktails at 5:30 and the meeting at 6:30. Location to be announced.

This first meeting of the year will provide an opportunity to meet your newly elected directors and officers of the FSC Board, your new Executive Director Kat Sunlove and learn about plans for 2004. The topics for discussion will include the recently passed Burns-Wyden “Can-Spam Act” as well as patent and intellectual property issues.

Our speakers are unconfirmed at present but will include attorneys specializing in these issues and at least one retail member, Sid Grief of AAA News in Texas, who is facing a patent infringement lawsuit.

Hors d’oeuvres will be served and a modest donation is requested to offset our expenses.

RSVP is very much appreciated!

Call Neva, toll-free at 1-866-FSC-9373.

We look forward to seeing you there!