ASM Daily Goes Dark, Revised PNN Suspends Service



By: Don Benn

(PHILADELPHIA, PA) — In a surprise move (to everyone including owner/publisher Don Benn), ASM Daily ( suddenly suspended service.

The 45-day new successor to Porno News Network came to a crashing halt around 2:30 pm Eastern Time when its host server company, Amavouyer, in a contract dispute with At&T had all server service shut still.

Busy with other projects, editor/publisher Benn did not discover the problem until early evening when work on the Wednesday issue could not be uploaded to the main server. Benn immediately contacted Amavouyer president Dan Friend and was informed of the situation.

Benn’s immediate response to hearing the new was "I’m shocked, I’m angry, and I’m pissed off. Our numbers (counting redirects from Porno News Network and Adult Stars Magazine) had grown to a point where potential advertisers were asking "how much" and several industry insiders were providing us with exclusives. Did I mention that I’m shocked, angry, and pissed off?"

Benns’ immediate plans call for an extended Thanksgiving holiday break followed by a full week of searching for local and stable server service. "On the other hand", said Benn, "A week off just might confirm Steve Banan’s remarks about me that "I just don’t need the bullshit….oh, who the hell am I kidding – I’ll be back"!

Benn asks that until server service is restored that all companies and individuals send mail directly to him at – and wishes everyone a Happy and special Thanksgiving.