Sasha Gabor on AIM Calendar Shoot & Norway News


Source: Letters to the Editor

By: Sasha Gabor

Sasha Gabor

(OSLO, NORWAY) — Sasha Gabor writes Maggie and Mitch about the AIM Calendar Shoot November 21 with news and such, and CCs us here at Adult Industry News. Since has so little news from Norway about porn legend Sasha Gabor we just HAD to print this and alert all his friends and fans here in the States of his coming appearance at the Adult Entertainment Expo January, 2004.

Sasha writes to Maggie and Mitchie at AIM: Since I obviously cannot be there, jet-ing over from Oslo, Norway, but will Definitely be there for CES with the company I represent,, could you please use the attached high resolution picture. Just cut out My Face. The girl, Tanya Hansen is very well known in Europe, (she and I are the Only Norwegian pornstars. It would mean a Lot to be included in the AIM poster, since I am Still VERY active, just not in the USA before January. Please let me know whether yes or no. I keep my fingers crossed for a YES. You guys haven’t seen the last of old Burt R. turned Sean C., but I have been and am ALWAYS your loyal friend and supporter in the Cause. May the Force be with you All.

Ask Ron Jeremy. I took over his appearance and did his show for 90 minutes in Norway, in a city called Trondheim. Would you belive they wired him the cash, included My fee but as he was getting it on with Tammy Faye….O:) he couldn’t make it and now we are waiting for him to wire back the money, send back the plane tickets. You know the Hedgehog isn’t the Most organized person in the world, so we aren’t exactly holding our breath but he will do it Eventually. Being the Ham that I am, naturally it was a huge thrill to do the comedy, Q&A session alone for Him but of course for me too. I think (and I hope you agree!?) that I deserve to be remembered after 20 years in the Arena with sweat and blood marring my face… Tell me if this picture is OK or would you guys prefer the old Burt Reynolds look. My first film, Every Woman has a Fantasy with Ginger Lynn was shot in San Francisco in 1983 August! We were the front cover of Velvet in 83 (shot by RBK, Rudi and Blanka… before your time, but not Mitch’s), with a later, 1984 or 85 August issue centerfold in Hustler, titled appropriately: Smokey and the Bandit.

(By the way, we, i.e. VicoVision hope to be doing business with Hustler, Metro, Vivid, all the big ones and more will be added to the list at the Vegas CES.)

Looking forward to seeing you and Mitch. (You know she and I have “done” it in a Buck Adams directed video called the Big Gun [my starring role-name in it was the Utilizer], but you still owe me one, at least a quickie? Cannot die without Maggie. As Ronnie would say: “Just the Tip”. I will take the HIV test in Vegas, but be assured, I don’t even like anal sex, let alone needles and get tested in Norway too for free, however they don’t do a DNA, unless I get my doctor to request it at the Hospital and then it is by appointment only and not cheap. It is a major headache when doing a film in Norway, imagine! They are Reluctant to give the result in writing. Takes persuasion but the doctors all know me and why I demand it, nevertheless, we are still in the Dark Ages in Norway. I should, I shall translate the article written in one of Norway’s biggest papers about me, (The Daily News: Dagbladet), after the no show Ron Jeremy show. (This was funny…)

