Source: Letters to the Editor
By: Brooke Hunter

I’m back from New York and the Howard Stern Show. What a blast! The show was great and Howard and Robin were fun. I did get to play with Robin’s Boobs which was a first on the show according to Howard.
From all the Horn Honking I’m guessing that my Boobs went over well. Also they were impressed that I wasn’t some dumb Bimbo and that I actually have a brain. Imagine, a smart girl in Porn…
New York was awesome and I got to see everything in 24 hrs. Central Park at 4am wasn’t that Bad! The Pizza is great and people drive like maniacs, but I loved it anyway!
Good news for the show. Don and I have moved to Monday Nights from 9-10pm (PST) with a newly made over show called “Tits and Asshole” Check it out starting this coming Monday October 27th 2003. I think you will like the new change.
If your in Chicago you can catch me Tuesday Mornings on 94.7 the Zone at 7:00am (Chicago Time) on the Brooke and Jill show. Yes I’m the Porn Star sex Advisor on the show as well as the “Other” Brooke Hunter. Imagine…two of us!
I’ll be starting my webcam show and chat from my website soon keep checking back for that one!!