S & S Pro Talent Management is Born


Source: S & S Pro Talent Management

By: Company Press Release

What can I say about Steve Banan and Steve Seidman? Well, they’ve both been around for a long time and know practically everyone! The ins and outs of the Adult Industry are like waking up in the morning for these guys. What a balance! What one Steve don’t the other Steve does! One guy is a sane down to earth businessman and the other is crazy. No wait, they’re Both crazy – but I bet they get the talent tons of work with their new company S & S Pro Talent Management! I’ll bet the only thing these guys can’t do is write a decent press release, so I recommend all talent to go to them for work… In fact I’m sending someone to them right now! Read their announcement to the world below.

Steve Nelson


Adult Industry News


With the height of the shooting season upon us, and the search for new talent begins, a new talent management firm has come into the picture. Combing over fifty years experience in the adult business Steve Banan, TheLibertyNetwork.TV Banan’s World PR and Steve Seidman, former editor of Adult Stars Magazine and past public relations man for the Bunnyranch have joined forces to create a management company that will not only concentrate on current stars, it will also bring in some of the freshest talent that the adult industry has seen.

Steve Seidman "I’ve traveled the country and searched the web in an effort to bring some of the hottest and sexiest ladies to the valley. Forming many contacts through the country, a group of mini agents will be referring new ladies to us constantly. With the help of one of the current stars, we’ve been contacted by representatives in the U.K. And in Prague to help ladies get into the country for added exposure in the adult world." Seidman said with a grin, "We will try our best to do the right things by our client and by the producers and directors. With fresh talent, we’ll keep everyone busy."

Steve Banan S & S will try and offer the clients a little more than the other companies," we have secured some major contacts in the mainstream film industry and we will try and place our ladies is some mainstream films."

Hear in their own words what the Adult Entertainment Industry has to say about Steve Banan and Steve Seidman.

Wankus of KSEXradio.com says: "The history of Plato’s Retreat speaks for itself. From what I’m told there were many people responsible for it’s success, but knowing Steve Banan led the pack shouts volumes. Steve Seidman has had a pulse on the industry for many years as well and has a unique vision for new talent. As a cocky young man, I mocked history and experience as I claimed success only came from fresh changes and immature creative experimentation. Years later and proven wrong in my theory, I look forward to the moment that I can say I hold an ounce of time served, as did these two men. Good luck Steve and Steve…and please, please, please…use spell check!"

Dave Cummings, the oldest man in porn says: Separately or individually, either Steve Banan or Steve Seidman are so knowledgeable and experienced at talent management matters that the words "professional", "top-notch", "well-connected", "honest", etc all come to mind. Now that they have joined forces, the word "Awesome" also describes them! These are two sharp men.

Armand Weston, the writer, producer director of countless screenplays including. The Taking of Christina, Fair City, Defiance, Personals,Take Off, Dawn of the Mummy, Expose Me Lovely and the Nesting. said this of his student: In 1977 when Daria Price and I wrote Fair City. I personally laid it in the hands of this young unproved boy, with smiles on his face and a lust to learn. I did not know at the time, but could only imagine, where he was heading. Steve Banan and Neil Goldstein produced a gem for me in Fair City. For those glorious times, I thank them sincerely.

I can remember on the set one day when an aging, overweight Jake LaMotta (the Raging Bull) himself came over to me, looked me straight away, and asked, how much am I being paid for doing this? I said to Jake, doing what? He said taking this kind of abuse form this shit head producer of yours. I told him, to learn how to act.

Steve Seidman What makes us different, we care! "Being involved in the industry for as long as we have gives us a great perspective of the changes the industry has gone through. From the Internet, to the adult film companies, our relationships with owners of companies, producers and directors are great. We care for our talent and make sure that what they are supposed to do is done and they get paid for their services."

Our website will be in full operation within the next week; in the meantime you can contact us via e-mail at MrSoftee690@AOL.com or SBanan@TheVine.com. You can also contact Steve Seidman at 818-324-5280 and Steve Banan at 661-810-3691.