Protect Yourself with Legal Consensual Sex Forms


Source: ConsensualSexForm.Com

By: C.Giles

We, along with our legal team, have developed a consensual sex Form (Agreement). Of course the form is customizable as well as custom licenses for numbers of use.

The Consensual Sex Form was created in the hopes that the people that are accused of forcible sex each year would have an alternative to taking someone’s word that they are a willing participant in a sexual act. We are not condoning rape or forcible sex. We are condoning the right to have sex with whomever you want, as long as they’re a consenting adult. We are condoning forcible honesty!

We realize that people with public interest such as stars, athlete’s, business owners, high profile people, etc., are at a higher risk of being accused of a sexual crime because of their financial worth. People of financial worth, and high public profile, also like to stay anonymous in sexual situations but with proof that the other party is a consenting adult, their risk of being put in the public spot-light, accused and/or prosecuted is greatly reduced.

Built into "The form" is a section regarding the anonymity of the "presenter" (purchaser of the form). This section entitles the "presenter" to choose whether or not to give a copy of "The form", after it has been signed, to the willing "participant". This way the "participant" can’t take it to the paparazzi or the media and gain financial wealth for doing so.

We’re not saying that everyone who is accused of rape or forcible sex is innocent. We are saying that some of them are and if we can prevent an innocent person from spending time in prison for something they didn’t do, then we’ve done our job.

We hope you enjoy our site and that it is of help to you. Don’t take chances when it comes to consensual sex. Don’t let a willing participant make you a victim!


C. Giles


Columbus, Ohio

Gender: Female