PNN Now ASM Daily


Source: Don Benn

By: Company Press Release

ASM Daily

Hey Everyone,

Just a reminder that PNN (Porno News Network) comes back to life on 10-13 (I hope, I hope, I hope) as ASM Daily!

As I will be doing 99% of everything by myself I will apologize in advance for an October filled with possible screw-ups.

I will, by 11-1-03 have a new links page up and running and it would be my pleasure to include all who want to be included (and haven’t screwed me).

Please – if you want to be included – just drop me a line with a good link address.

Send stuff to me at my AOL account until I know that we are actually up and running (I have already written my “sorry – I tired” letter in case we are not up by Monday).

Thanks for all the support you provided to me during my year at PNN… And please continue your support for me at ASM Daily.

