The Unveiling of Nikki Vail


Source: TY Management

By: Company Press Release

Nikki Vail

(BEVERLY HILLS, CA) — Have you ever looked at someone’s photo and thought, “I know that person” or “I’ve seen this person before”? Well it could very well happen again right now with the appearance of Nikki Vail. Previously seen and known for her International work with Playboy and the Paris high Fashion market, this six foot beauty is unforgettable!

Hailing to us here in LA from the East Coast, Nikki has decided that she was missing out on all the fun and has come to LA to join it. “I have always Loved the feature work that I’ve seen in films from companies like Adam & Eve, Wicked, Vivid and such,” Nikki said on Wednesday. “Now here I am on the set of this great new film for Sin City!”

Nikki is very positive, happy and is as stunning and impressive in person as she is in pictures. “I’m thinking of moving back here – I love it so much. I really want to do a good job and make a good impression. I definitely feel like I have a Lot to learn, but all I need is a good teacher to teach me.”

Wow, what a deal ~ any volunteers?

Tabetha Yang

137 S. Robertson Blvd. #101

Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Direct Line: 661-296-5229

eFax: 270-574-7041