From the Trenches by Dave Cummings


Source: Dave Cummings

By: Company Press Release

Dave Cummings

The world of Swinging seems to be adventurous and fun for many folks. I am amazed at how many married/committed couples participate in regular swing events, parties, and conventions. And, I sense that millions of others fantasize about it, but often deny themselves the joy of actually experiencing swinging. Many times, only one person in the couple initially wants to check it out and will try to entice/pester/beg/etc his/her significant other to attend an event; yes, it’s normally the guy who instigates the discussion to get started.

In my experience, fun swinging is best when both folks genuinely want to actively participate; it often makes good marriages even better, but it doesn’t always “save” a deteriorating marriage or relationship; and, as is so often the situation in everyday life, communication between the couple is extremely important both before entering the swinging world and while enjoying the journey through it.

I’ve also noticed that swingers seem much more informed and educated about the aspects and risks of HIV/STD—interestingly, I’ve never heard about any mass cases of HIV in the swinging world, and very little about STD problems in it. On the other hand, I see the use of condoms as an accepted and almost mandated practice in swinging. Like porn folks, swingers seem relatively safer than many people meeting in bars or elsewhere and having sex with untested or non-condom partners.

Besides the swinging parties and formal events, website match-ups for established swingers as well as people looking for a source/resource seem to be getting more and more popular. While most folks advertise as couples wanting to meet other couples or a guy or woman for a threesome experience, there’s also a way for single men and single women to advertise. I’ve had some success advertising as a single guy wanting to meet women and couples for swinging; I recommend the Free site shown in the links section of my, listed as “Swing Lifestyle”–it offers a lot of privacy while also providing access to lots of local opportunities. The ladies and couples I’ve met have become good friends, and “regulars”. Safe sex is always practiced, and respect for limits and privacy reigns.

Of course, as a single guy it’s not easy to get established, but through use of referrals from swingers or via that website I mentioned earlier, along with good manners one can form a lot of lasting sensuous friendships. Here’s some thoughts for single guys—never be pushy, respect the privacy and phone numbers of others, practice near-perfect personal hygiene, and always be totally honest with people in the wonderful world of swinging; it’s also important to never infringe upon existing relationships between existing couples, and always remember that swingers have sex with others but “make love” to each other. I predict that swinging will continue to grow in leaps and bounds in the future, and that it will no longer be mostly reserved only for couples.

Lauryl Canyon

Remember porn legend Lauryl Canyon? Well, she called me yesterday and said that she would soon be doing a porn cumback; I also heard the same thing this past week directly from the sexy mouth of Jewels Jade. Hardcore and glamour photos of both adult actresses can be found at the link to “Index of Girls” at my website; the box covers they appear on for past releases from Dave Cummings Productions are accessible at the link to “Filmography”. Yes, I’m looking forward to being on film again with these two sensual young ladies!

Besides emails, I also get lots of USPS mail from porn fans and others; today, I received two Christian Ultra Right-Wing flyers urging me to stop my sinful career and find religion instead; it got me wondering if there might be some kind of “do not mail” list for such religious hypocrites, perhaps similar to the telemarketing “do not call” list.

I’ve already stopped a lot of corporate junk mail, but it looks like I need society and/or the government to also protect Agnostics like me from religious zealots trying to impose their standards and beliefs upon me and others. In this vein, let me paraphrase from an astute poster at the rec.arts.movies.erotica (RAME) newsgroup, a valuable and informed Internet place that I personally visit every day; the writer opines that humans are sexual beings, yet some religions try to unnaturally restrict sex to procreation while they try to heap people with inappropriate guilt if sex is used for any other purpose, connoting that such sex is morally indefensible—mankind’s bodies, however, revolt consciously as well as subconsciously, while recognizing sex and the desire for sex as a normal, natural, and healthy part of being a human being.

Just like subjective Bible-thumpers are invading our rights to religious freedom of our own choosing by doggedly trying to get us to be in total compliance with their philosophy, sometimes sex can be a little too much in the face for some people–e.g., mainstream advertisements, television programming, and porn that seems radical instead of sensual. We all have choices, so we can ignore ads/movies/television that are too wild for ones upbringing to understand and appreciate; and, we can also trash mailings like the ones I sometimes receive from hypocrites trying to impose their views about sex upon others.

Why did I refer to some of the senders as “hypocrites”? Because, in my opinion, they criticize porn yet many of them privately fantasize about sex and porn while the naturalness of their human bodies recognize sex as good and “Ok”, resulting sometimes in masturbation. To help them deal with their post-climax unnecessary religious “guilt”, they then muster subjective penance and send out more flyers and try to corner normal people and pound their ultra-religious beliefs into them! Then, the next time they become horny, the cycle begins again, and again, and again!

MI DeVille and Playboy’s Night Calls

Ok, now to a fun recent happening. Porn starlet MI DeVille and I were guests last week on Playboy’s “Night Calls” starring Juli Ashton and Tiffany Grannath. We were fortunate enough to be part of a super-fun cast consisting of Bella Starr, Zana, Nicole, Laurie Wallace, and Toni Marie. The entire day at the Playboy Studio was absolutely fantastic, starting with reserved parking, classy dressing rooms, genuinely helpful and courteous Production Assistants, a wonderful lunch, and a Playboy Television Producer (Jamie Battista) who had everything extremely well planned and organized.

A live 90-minute program with just two short commercial breaks, the Producer orchestrated the myriad of planning details and the rehearsals with professionalism and pleasantness of the highest possible caliber—his managerial abilities manifested such perfection that if I were teaching a graduate level management class to executives, I would try to do an on-site class visit and study of him and the Playboy Television philosophy.

After a fun production meeting with the cast and key crew (yes, I did say “fun”, yet it was also simultaneously efficient and meaningful towards making the live program professional and entertaining), we began an in-depth rehearsal. I’ve been on a lot of well-run porn sets, but Jamie’s sets and productions are always a cut waaaaaaaay above even the best ones I’ve ever experienced—I’ve also been a cast member on his “Night Calls 411” programs many times, so I’ve seen the consistency of his genius and skills. After the first rehearsal, the make-up people treated the cast like royalty; then, a second rehearsal was conducted to check out timing and specifics, followed by a majestic dinner that featured salads and veggies, along with crab cakes, steak kabobs, seafood rice with lots of shrimp, chicken breasts, salmon, and pasta. The desserts were also gourmet.

Then we had one last short rehearsal, and more make-up chair time and personal preparation. MI DeVille and I had dressing rooms across the hall from each other, so we “played around” a bit; in fact, Juli Ashton kidded us on the air for the blowjob she heard as she walked past us just before we headed for the set and the start of the live broadcast program. MI and I got to caress and lovingly “grope” each other through the first two 30-minute segments while we played in a recliner across from a huge bed where some of the girls formed oral “Daisy Chains” and did lots of sex play among themselves. Later, Laurie Wallace joined MI and I while Juli, Tiffany and Zana had a very sexy 30-minute segment– MI and Laurie and I did indeed have some sensuous threesome fun! During the final half-hour segment, MI and I joined Juli and Tiffany for an interview, followed by more sex fun in the recliner.

When the program ended, three of the lovely ladies had 90-seconds for the make-up folks to do touch-ups followed by them joining Aurora Snow on the nearby set for another live program produced by Jamie Battista, this one being “Private Calls”. MI and I stayed and watch that broadcast, then drove back to San Diego with smiles on our faces, gleams in our eyes, and excitement in our voices. Director Brian Linton, and all the crew were extremely fine-tuned experts who professionally facilitated the live broadcasts. MI DeVille and I were delighted to be on Playboy Television, and we both had a genuinely great time.

Interestingly, as we’ve subsequently watched the replays of that “Night Calls” program, MI and I get hot and horny–it, as well as other Playboy programs, have resulted in me getting lots of MI DeVille blowjobs and intercourse! Yea!

As we head into shorter daylight hours, please drive safely and defensively.

Dave Cummings