Upcoming Swinger Party – L.A., CA


Source: Couples 411

By: Ray & Christina

Hello everyone,

For exotic couples and single women. We are having another party at the famous LA Couples club on August 09, 2003 and August 23, 2003.

Two hot summer nights this month we’ll be kicking it and having fun with most beautiful and exotic couples and single women. For links to our upcoming parties visit the links below.

Single women can contact Christina for direct Vip invitations at


Our sponsored events are for open minded couples and single women only.

Come and join us at our exotic get together and see what they mean by erotic night.

Swinging Basic Rules:

1) Never attempt to break up a couple.

2) set your limits and stick to them.

3) Make your move when you want to, don’t let someone rush you into something you may regret later.

4) Always keep the first meeting on a no strings attached basis, but be prepared to swing if it is mutually agreeable or to give an honest answer if something doesn’t click.

5) Don’t lie and cheat on your partner. If you do you’re in the lifestyle for the wrong reason.

6) Don’t push others.

7) Never, under any circumstances put pressure on your partner to swing.

8) Protect the anonymity of other swingers by refraining from name dropping.

9) Just make sure you and your new friends are having fun.

Remember a swing club is the last place to be shy. You need to be open-minded and friendly with everyone.

For more information visit the following pages:

Main web site: Couples411.com/home.htm

August 09th party: Couples411.com/party20044.htm

August 23rd party: Couples411.com/party20045.htm

Christina’s home page: Geocities.com/christina69s/