RLI Productions “City of Flesh” Trailer


Source: RLI Productions

By: Company Press Release

(NEW YORK, NY) — Red Light Interactive (RLI, Inc.) is announcing the upcoming release of "City of Flesh", and adult feature shot on film, now in postproduction. Set in NYC, the film will contain 5 scenes or vignettes, each with it’s own erotic story.

RLI’s owner and producer, Dominique S, talks about the production- "One of the issues we had to overcome was that of casting; I had to get used to the fact that good talent is not exactly falling off trees here in the big Apple, as opposed to Southern California. It took a while, but I am very happy with the results. Our project is adult entertainment that I, as a female, would definitely watch."

For the film, Dominique chose Brooklyn Heights and Soho locations to shoot the interiors. "The last thing I wanted was just another video shot in a hotel room somewhere. Not that I’m knocking any of that, but I’m trying to create a product that would appeal to females like me, and not just the male demographic- and I strongly believe that we have done just that".

Dominique S. is a Broadway/Off-Broadway producer and performer, and is the primary creative force behind RLI’s "City of Flesh" series.

RLI’s cinematographer, Tyler, chose to shoot the film in 2 formats: Super16 and Super8 anamorphic, in the hopes of bringing an "edgy and retro feel" to the viewer. Much like an independent film, Tyler acquired re-cans and short ends from various film houses in NYC to try and save money during production.

"It was lots of work, but well worth it" Tyler says. "Most of the talent was used to being on the set for only a couple of hours, a benefit of shooting video. Our shooting days would last in upwards of 8-12 hours, because of the lighting setups and all the planning and prep associated with shooting film. When I told an actor that the largest (film) magazine would only yield 11 minutes at 24fps, they looked at me like I was on another planet. But- I think everyone respected what we were trying to achieve, and had a great time, regardless." Tyler’s primary gear consists of a modified E’clair ACL2, and a modified Beaulieu 7008.

Red Light Interactive is a Female owned, adult entertainment company in New York City. The "City of Flesh" trailer will be made available to the public in August of 2003, with a release date (for the full-length feature) soon to follow.

Red Light Interactive

244 Fifth Avenue Suite 2BA

New York, New York 10001-7604
