Source: Adult Industry News
By: Steve Nelson

(LOS ANGELES, CA) — A birthday cake, 3 girlfriends and about 25 guys are the ingredients for a memorable party for this busty babe! Victoria who is the star of gave herself a titillating treat this past Sunday, when for her birthday she invited a few girlfriends and a bunch of horny guys to a studio in L.A. and got a huge dose of hot sex!
The crowd began gathering at about 6:00 PM in a hot studio destined to get much hotter. Paperwork was handled in an orderly fashion consisting of PCR-DNA AIDS tests (the industry standard) from AIM Healthcare, model releases and ID copies. One of the girls helping Victoria – Cathy from – is adamantly non-condom because of an allergy to latex, so screening for STDs was an important part of preparing for the fun.
When the party officially started Victoria went over a few rules that amount to common sence and respect for those around you – and EVERYONE participates! No looky-loos. She invited people there to fuck her and she wanted at least one load from each man in the room! She then instructed everyone to take off their clothes and get comfortable.
Victoria and Cathy took to the main play area which was the size of 2 mattresses, and Mimi and Rebecca started to play on nearby couches. Each girl had at least one guy – sometimes two and three – for the next 3 hours. I was amazed at the tenacity of these women to wear out so many guys!
Look for pictures of the party on Victoria’s and Cathy’s soon. They had both stills being shot and the whole party is on video.
[The PCR-DNA AIDS test offered by AIM is the industry standard with a one day turn around for test results. The test also now comes with a chlamydia and gonorrhea test with a turn around time of another day. Please read linked stories in the box to the right. -Ed.]