Fan Claims Diss by Flynts, Impressed with Jenna


Source: Letters to the Editor

By: Tom Kistner

Just got in from the Freedom Tour 03 in Cincinnati. Stood in line in the heat for an hour to find out Larry wasn’t going to show up and after paying 20.00 was totally dissed by Jimmy after saying hi and asking him to sign my Hustler that I bought from him personally in 1977.

I have been with Larry & Jimmy since day 1, signing petitions & actually hanging out with Jimmy when the store on Main St. first opened, selling only Hustler Mag.

What a Major disappointment especially after I called the store (on Elm St.) the day before and was told I could bring my own items to be signed and there would be a poster they would both sign. I asked how much and was told no charge. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind paying $20.00 but that could have been told to me the day before.

The whole thing was so disorganized! I really couldn’t believe Larry caved to the law, I’ve never known him to back down from this city & county. I’ve been to every rally and given my total support for 25 years and I feel like I really got my chain yanked today!!

Let me end saying (after all the Bitching) that Jenna Jameson was even more beautiful in person & was an absolute sweetheart.