Charles Carreon, Media Settle Differences



By: Company Press Release

(SAN FRANCISCO, CA / ASHLAND, OR) — Gary Kremen, CEO of Grant Media, LLC, the exclusive licensee of and Charles Carreon, Esq., who fought the legal battle against convicted felon Stephen Michael Cohen for, are friends and colleagues again. The two parties had previously had a legal dispute regarding compensation for the victory and now they have reached a binding, final agreement.

"I am very happy that Charles and I worked out our differences," says Kremen. "He was an invaluable and critical resource in the battle against Stephen Michael Cohen, the domain name thief. Charles was the lawyer who believed in the case and saw it through to victory."

Gary and Charles recently settled their lawsuits over the terms of their agreement, and declared peace. Carreon, speaking from a vacation spot in Switzerland, seconded Kremen’s sentiments. "Friendship can triumph over grievances, and Gary and I did it. I wish him the greatest success in developing into all that it can be, in the best possible way."

Stephen Michael Cohen is an ex-convict who has an extensive criminal record. He has been convicted on multiple occasions for fraudulent activities, obtaining others’ property under false pretenses and criminally impersonating others, among other crimes. With Carreon’s diligent representation of Kremen, Cohen was found guilty of fraudulently transferring into his name. Cohen had sent a forged a letter to Network Solutions (now VeriSign; NASD: VRSN), requesting the transfer of from Kremen into his hands. VeriSign, according to court filing, negligently transferred the domain name to Cohen. .the VeriSign case is still on appeal with the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Kremen claims VeriSign unilaterally took the domain name from him, and holds NSI duly responsible for using inadequate safeguards to protect his property.

About, operated by Grant Media, LLC, is the premium adult Internet search engine, receiving on average 1.6 million page-views daily with over 10 million searches daily. A majority of the traffic is type-in adult traffic and returning traffic; many are first-time surfers looking for specific adult content. Additionally distributes its search results and banners to over 50 other search engines, banner networks and traffic exchanges internationally. is committed to maintaining a leadership position in the quality of our products and services. As a result of its strong adherence to the laws and practices in the global Internet community, is able to ensure a safe, stable and growing online advertising environment, including being a founding sponsor of ASACP (Adult Sites Against Child Pornography).