Source: Letters to the Editor
By: Felicia Fox

(RESEDA, CA) — I received a call from Felicia tonight saying Bubba was home! Since I had lived 2 doors down from where they are living I cruised the old neighborhood looking for Bubba this afternoon myself. Felicia’s roommate Vandalia who was out on her bike said more reward money was pouring in to the tune of $2000!! Bisexual Britney and Gauge as well as Robert Lombard, Wankus, Katanya Blade and others all did what they could to help out. since the people who found Bubba don’t want our money (bless ’em) Katanya and I are donating ours to AIM and PAW.
Felicia explains below:
Bubba is home!
A family in Reseda found him on Tuesday night, and they were keeping him safe until they could locate the owner. They saw a flyer I’d hung up and called me this evening.
He’s home, safe and sound…thank you so much for caring enough to listen, and taking the time to write.
Please keep in mind that there are so many lost dogs, strays, and unwanted animals in the local pounds who could use a loving home.
Felicia Fox
[The original email:]
Yes, my dog is missing and there is a reward for his safe return. The person who finds him can choose from $1200 cash ($1000 from me, $100 from Robert Lombard, and $100 from Wankus) [Make that $1300 – I’ll throw in $100 to be counted with Robert and Wankus!! – Steve Nelson] or a date with me. Personally, I’d take the cash.
The “Kevin and Bean Show” had me on the air this morning live on KROQ-FM, 106.7, the #1 rated rock radio station in Los Angeles. For ten minutes we discussed porn, Hustler Video’s “Busty Beauties #5” (in which I bang Ben English), and my missing dog, who was lost on Tuesday in Reseda in the vicinity of White Oak and Vanowen.
“Bubba” has been my constant companion for six years, and I miss him like hell.
If you’re driving around porn valley this weekend, and you see a small tan shorthair dog with a white flea collar, male neutered and about 18 lbs., take the time to pick him up and see if he responds to “Bubba”. Email me. Call me if you have my number. Send psychic messages.
Felicia Fox
[Felicia can be reached at or through and Adult Industry News. -Ed.]