Source: Letters to the Editor
By: Annie Sprinkle Ph.D.

(SAN FRANCISCO, CA) — Hi! It’s me, Dr. Annie Sprinkle! I’ve moved! My new web site address is (org as in orgasm.) I also have a new marital status! Married! Beth Stephens and I took our vows in a commitment ceremony and became legal domestic partners.
‘Twas set in the grandeur of S.F.’s City Hall rotunda, and officiated by Mayor Willie Brown. I dressed en femme, in a white, turkey-feather trimmed, tool gown with silver polka-dots. Beth was delightfully butchy, in a holographic-like silvery suit with white satin collar. We sparkled down the isle. The world’s only all transgendered choir sang (very moving), as well as the Gay Men’s Chorus. Cala lilies were our theme flower. ‘Twas all so ultra romantic!
Don’t feel badly that you weren’t invited. We decided to do this very spontaneously, just days before, and just a few local friends came. We hope to do another ceremony one day with all our friends and families. A few days after the ceremony I moved in with Beth, in Bernal Heights. She owns a wonderful three story house, similar to a brownstone, which she renovated all herself. Now I’m acting out all my domestic fantasies; cooking, cleaning, wearing only a little checkered apron… honeymooning, etc.
She’s a double Scorpio, and double yummy! She’s is so smart, and such a great artist. She recently got tenure at University of Santa Cruz. I’m over the moon happy to be her bride.
Do take a peek at my new, improved, updated web site, now at It’s got lots of new goodies on it. I especially love the new photos of me by Julian Supersnail, my interview with an anti-porn feminist, and my article on the fallacy of sex addiction. The main thing I’m working on at the moment is writing a proposal for a book called Your Sex Life Make-Over– the Aspiring sex Goddess’ Self-Help Program for Enjoying a Spectacular sex Life. I signed a contract with a literary agent in NYC (Mendel Media) who will represent me.
If all goes well, I’ll get an advance then hanker down and write. (We turned one offer down already.) Until then, I’m always looking for more good gigs doing shows, lectures, and workshops. Why not bring me to your home/town/country? I’d love to come! Also for the first time, I’m offering “Personal Services” such as Sex Life Coaching (in person or over the phone), Tarot Readings, and Ecstasy Breathing Sessions. (See my site for details.)
After doing a lot of research (and unexpectedly moving in with Beth), I’ve put my Boudoir and Breakfast project on hold. It wouldn’t be as financially profitable as I originally figured, especially for the amount of work it would take. Still, its a good project, which I’d like to do later on in life. So, that’s me. I’d love to hear about what you are doing, and how gozit in your life. Until we meet again, blessed be.
Love, love, and more love,
Annie Sprinkle (the first porn star Ph.D.!)
Select Upcoming Gigs:
June 7–Barcelona, Spain. Museum of Contemporary Art Barcelona. Conference on post-porn. Then a few days of honeymooning.
June 26.–San Francisco. Celebration for the St. James Infirmary. DNA Lounge.
June 29– San Francisco. Gay Pride Parade. I plan to ride on the back of Beth’s motorcycle with dykes on bikes.
July 10-18–Bregins, Austria–Magazin 4.
Aug. 19–San Francisco–. How To be a Sex Goddess in 101 Easy Steps. The Learning Annex.
Sept. 4-27 Manhattan, NY.–Art @ Large Gallery a one-woman art gallery show. Presenting photographs, Polaroid transfers, paintings, tit prints, and arty stuff at Manhattan’s only erotic art gallery. The Film Center Building, 212.957.8371.
Sept (TBA) Chicago–an Intimate Informal Evening with Annie Sprinkle. Prop Theater Company.
Sept (TBA) Madison, Wisconsin– a Women’s Touch Sexuality Boutique. Workshop.
Oct. 14 San Francisco–Celebrity Tit Printing Extravaganza. To benefit the St. James Infirmary. Join the party at Good Vibrations and watch sex celebs make lush prints with ink and their infamous breasts. Porn superstar, Sunset Thomas Carol Queen, Dara Dahl and others donate proceeds of sales of Tit Prints to this sex worker healthcare clinic.