Source: ASACP
By: Company Press Release

Adult Sites Against Child Pornography (ASACP) is the organization that helps the adult site industry make a difference in the battle against child pornography.
Joan Irvine, Executive Director of ASACP, issued the following statement:
“Everyone in this country has a responsibility to protect our children. ASACP is supportive of legislation that helps in the battle against child pornography. ASACP hopes that government agencies will use this new law to apprehend the real criminals and not use it as an excuse to investigate legitimate adult companies; however, there are certain sections of this bill that go beyond the scope of child protection and could interfere with First Amendment rights.
The professional adult companies in this country do not sell or produce child pornography. In fact, the leaders in the industry are doing everything in their power to stamp out this horrific crime against innocent children. The existence of ASACP is proof of this. Alec Helmy established ASACP in 1996 to provide a vehicle for reporting suspect child pornography. ASACP has since evolved into a self-regulating entity. All ASACP Sponsors and Approved Members are required to comply with a Code of Ethics –
Site owners provide information about these alleged criminals to the F.B.I. And even instruct mainstream companies on how to help in this mission. Recently, Gary Kremen, CEO of and an ASACP Founding Sponsor, contacted AltaVista (owned by Overture) about an oversight in their filtering software that allowed surfers to search on terms that denote child pornography. Mr. Kremen shared proprietary information and business practices with AltaVista to facilitate a quick remedy to the problem.
Many adult sites companies also use the services of Internet Content Rating Association ( to rate their content so that parents of minors can apply their own judgment in deciding which sites should or should not be available in their homes.
ASACP, its Sponsors and Approved Members will continue to support the government’s effort to protect children by offering their diligence in the battle against child pornography.”
ASACP is an organization helping the adult site industry to make a difference in the battle against child pornography. Over 3000 adult sites that are taking a stand against child pornography proudly display the ASACP logo. If you are interested in learning more about ASACP or helping in the fight against child pornography, please view the ASACP site ( or email
Joan Irvine