Source: DV8 Inc.

(SAN FERNANDO VALLEY,CA) — Last Friday night, host Jason Sechrest marked his one year anniversary of KSEXradio’s “The Young & the Curious” with a three hour live special featuring some of the past year’s favorite guests in straight and gay adult entertainment. The show was hands down the wildest installment of “Y&C” to date, something Sechrest says constant listeners can expect more of in the new season, as the live streaming video web cast and archives are now available to members of his site, “You’ll see the shows are going to get a little more risque in coming months,” says Sechrest, “although Friday night’s show will be a tough one to beat. Last year, the show took home Best Interview at the 2003 Listener’s Choice Awards for the episode with Jenna Jameson and Ryan Idol. I think this year, we might just take home the gold again with Ginger Lynn and Caesar.”
Caesar opened the show at 6:00 pm (PT), which was more than appropriate, as he was the first ever male guest on “The Young & the Curious.” the gay XXX super star announced to listeners that he recently took home second place in a California heavyweight bodybuilding contest and works out twice a day. Upon questioning Caesar on his use of steroids, the star admitted to supplements but said, “People put too much into the whole steroid thing. You can stick yourself with all you want and it won’t do a damn thing if you’re not working out and eating right. I know people who take a lot more supplements than I do and look like shit.”
While Caesar played sports in high school and “A little” in college, it wasn’t until he enlisted in the marines that he got into bodybuilding. “Being in the marines was a lot of work,” he explains, claiming it is a lot different than other military services. “It’s a 24/7 job. I didn’t hook up with anyone there, but I got with guys when I was off the base. You can’t be openly gay acting in the marines without severe consequences. People who were gay or bi hid it pretty well or at least tried to. I knew way before then that I liked guys though and it didn’t really matter to me [that I couldn’t hook up]. That’s not what I was there for. I was there to get my ass kicked by the marines.”
Caesar claims his first experience with gay sex was at the age of twelve, looking at dirty mags with a neighbor boy when they came across an ad with two men going at and decided to give it a try. He first had sex with a woman at thirteen and today he is married to a woman who doesn’t have any qualms with him enjoying a career in gay pornography, which began in 1998, only two years after exiting the marines.
Gay porn impresario Chi Chi LaRue took Caesar under her wing and introduced him to the business. The two recently reunited for Caesar’s latest movie, “Playing with Fire 3,” which wrapped less than two weeks ago. Sechrest mentions that an exclusive photo gallery of Caesar with Lexx Parker and an on-set report from the movie is available on his site,, in “The Voyeur’s Log.” Caesar says Lexx was “unnaturally energetic” and Sechrest describes him as “climbing the walls like Gollum from ‘Lord of the Rings'” throughout the sex scene. “It’s hot though!” says Caesar. “I just had a hard time keeping my balance with him. Caesar’s personal favorite scene in “Playing with Fire 3” was the six man orgy, as he feels it had the “best energy,” and says that All Worlds Video has editor, Andrew Rosen, rushing to finish the film for a late April release.
When it comes to the stars private life, he says he’s felt a “progression of perversion” as he gets older. What is he still “curious” about? “I like strap-on girls,” he says. “That seems to be pretty popular anyway. I would let a girl piss on me, but not a guy. I think a dominating girl is hot. I would never want to be dominated by a man though. It’s something I can fantasize about, but I can never have it happen because of my upbringing.” Even his infamous “gangbang” movie was pushing the envelope a bit for Caesar. “I had a hard time with it,” he confesses. “Not the actual fucking, but the pushing around part in the beginning. I don’t like to be in a situation where people think they’re going to have the upper hand on me.”
With the GayVN Award nominations just days away from being announced, Sechrest asks Caesar his feeling about the Big Blue Productions movie, “Cowboy,” being a contender. “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to be nominated,” says Caesar, “But either way, I don’t think it is as important as I used to think it was. How do I put this nicely? It’s obviously very political. I’ve been fortunate enough to be in their favor though and I’ve won a few awards.”
Caesar says he has seen “Cowboy” and watches most of his movies, namely for the acting parts. “I can’t stand to see myself have sex. I have a hard time listening to myself, really. I would rather turn the sound down and watch it.” Caesar says he usually watches the movies with his wife, who tends to love them.
Penthouse Pet turned mainstream radio and television personality, Sam Phillips, then joins Caesar on the couch. Phillips has been a regular on “The Young & the Curious” with a monthly movie review and tonight, she gives her thoughts on last week’s Academy Awards ceremony before revealing secrets from Sechrest’s past. Phillips claims she’s know the host since he was 18 years old and working at Sav-On. Sechrest laughs, “I did work there for about two and a half months when I first moved to Los Angeles, before I got my first real job at Danni’s Hard Drive. In fact, despite the fact that I haven’t always had great things to say about Danni Ashe, she did sort of rescue me from Sav-On and I gave her my name tag when I left Danni’s Hard Drive to go freelance. It said Serving you Since 1998.”
“She has probably stomped on it by now,” cackles Phillips.
“Yeh she probably looks at it and screams, ‘Ya don’t serve me no more, do ya?!'” laughs Sechrest. Phillips says Ashe is a wonderful woman to which Sechrest retorts, “She is a horrible human being. Satan incarnate.”
Sam Phillips talks up her latest projects including a documentary co-produced by herself and porn star, Houston, called “Beauty is the Beast,” covering the pros and cons of altering our physical body to suit your profession, partnership, or self-esteem. Phillips also mentions she will be performing live at the Improv on Melrose in Hollywood, California this April 18th at 10:30 pm (PT) for “The Red Light Comedy District.” the show merges top stand up comedians with adult stars and centerfolds with whom Phillips conducts improv games on stage. This time around, the cast of adult stars will include Brittany Andrews, Houston, Keri Windsor, Nikki Nova, and Alexus Winston.
Sechrest thanks Caesar and Sam Phillips for joining him on the show and they exit the KSEX couch as he introduces the legendary Ginger Lynn to “The Young & the Curious.” Lynn gives a brief history of how she became involved in adult entertainment: “I moved to California when I was 19 and I thought life was free and easy, living on the beach and lots of fun. I just came to visit family relative at first and I had been managing a Sam Goodys in Illinois. So I walked into one of their stores in California and they offered to double my salary and give me a thousand dollars to move there and work as a trouble shooter for them. I was managing nine Musicland stores and I was so bad, even then, sleeping with all of my employees. But I was working 70 hours a week and thought there has to be more to life than this! So I answered an ad for some bachelor party, brought my boom box, brought my boyfriend, and I had really practiced for it and thought I was ready. What I hadn’t thought through is that I would be the only girl in the room and when I walked in there were all these guys just sitting there waiting for me to be the main event. I ran out and left my boom box and my boyfriend. I took the car and left. That didn’t work out too well.”
Lynn says she met a 23 year old boy from Washington last week, who reminded her of herself at that age. “He had this hard cut body and tattoos, and the nicest, big, fat, uncircumcised cock. He’d been hard through his clothes the whole night, but the moment I took his clothes off, he was so nervous it just went [limp]. I had to talk him through everything, even eating pussy, and eventually I was over it. I said, ‘you know what, honey. I’m tired. You have to go.'”
Lynn, as we all know, got over her own case of sex fright. “I desperately wanted to be a bad girl,” she reveals, “And I was in my private life, but doing it in front of a crowd took a series of instances like wet t-shirt contest for me to get used to. Fast forward a few years and I hook up with World Modeling, then Penthouse, shooting with Suze Randall, I get asked to do movies and think I’m not that kind of girl, but three months later I’m sucking cock on camera and having a good time. I was still uncomfortable talking on camera though. I would do my sex scenes and have no problem and then when it came time to act, the words wouldn’t come out. Jerry Butler was my leading man at the time and he pulled an old actor’s trick on me. I couldn’t get the emotion that I needed to do this particular scene so he started bashing my grandfather, who had just passed away, and was my favorite person in the world. Then he started bashing me and calling me names and he was being so abusive. I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream, I wanted to hit him, all of my emotions were right there on the surface and I was going crazy. He suddenly stops, throws the script at me and goes, ‘There. Read the script that way.'” Ginger Lynn says it was her first taste of becoming a real actress, something that preceded seven years of acting classes.
“So I worked in adult for two years and three months, retired for about fourteen years, and came back in 1999 with VCA Pictures,” she continues. “We had a three picture deal with an option to do more and we’ve been doing them on good faith ever since. I don’t know how much longer I want to be in front of the cameras though.”
For now, Lynn’s focus is on her own video production company, Gingerbread Productions, the first video line from which will be “Ginger Picks.” She explains, “The series will feature all amateurs and you can submit yourself, whether you’re male or female, at We currently have 111 contestants up and you, as a viewer, can go on and rate them. I am looking for real amateurs. You can only be an amateur one time. I think there’s so many gorgeous, beautiful, talented women in the industry today, but I think something has changed that is not really for the better. Many of the people seem to think they need to be cookie cutter people. Same nose job, same tit job, same hair color; they become this parody of a porn star. What makes a person hot, to me at least, is who they really are. I remember when I used to do movies back in the old days when you’d walk in and you don’t know the person and you start to wiggle with excitement and you can’t wait to start the scene. Today, everyone has a list of who they will fuck and who they won’t and I’m sorry, but sex isn’t a business. It can be, but in front of the camera, it needs to be fun and it needs to be real.”
Ginger Lynn plays matchmaker with the contestants on the site, pairing the highest together by their sexual likes and dislikes. “You then get blindfolded and taken to my house — blindfolded because I don’t want them to know where I live,” she laughs, “And we have sex games for ice breakers before taping them actually going at it. It’s a lot of fun and I think it will make for a really unique series.”
As for her mainstream accomplishments under the name Ginger Lynn Allen, she cites a Metallica video directed by Jonas Akurland and her featured role in “Bound and Gagged: A Love Story” as those for which she is most proud.
Sechrest then plays a game of what he calls “Name Association” with Lynn, throwing out names to see her immediate and uncensored reaction. Jerry Stiller: “Hair. Hair is what came to mind. … Was he fun to work with? Oh! Oh, Jerry Stiller! I’m thinking Jerry Springer. Oh, smiles. I love Jerry Stiller. When I did the movie ‘the Independent’ with him, I really wanted his autograph and a photo with him but I was too shy and nervous. He came up to me on the last day of shooting though and asked me for mine. He said he was a fan. It was really very sweet.”
Traci Lords. “Slut. Hope her tits rot and fall off.”
Ron Jeremy. “Skanky. Oh! Did I say that? … Rapist. Oh!”
Charlie Sheen. “Mush. Stole my heart. Only man I ever loved besides my grandfather.”
Jenna Jameson. “Beautiful.”
Steve Hirsch. “Pinky.” She holds up her pinky finger with a sly smile.
Ginger Lynn says that while she lives by a “no regrets” motto, if there was one thing she would change about her life in the adult industry it is that she didn’t save money. “Part of me really wishes I’d saved it,” she says, “But then I think, you’re only 22 once. Those things I did, they wouldn’t be the same today.”
Sechrest pulls out a quote from a past interview he found on Ginger Lynn and reads it to her, stating that it reminds him of his own dysfunctional childhood and how slipping into a fantasy world can become a child’s only escape. The quote reads: “I got to the point where I used to try to make myself believe that my mother wasn’t my real mother, and the life I had wasn’t my real life. I would pretend that reality was just my imagination, and I would create plays and shows and pretend that was my real life.”
“Ginger, do you still pretend?” asks Sechrest.
“Only on camera,” she smiles, misty-eyed. “I don’t have a need to pretend in my private life anymore.”
Sechrest asks Lynn to reveal a secret about herself, something no one knows. “I have patchwork pussy hair,” she laughs. “It’s kind of funny and embarrassing at the same time. I had had five surgeries in that area and my pubic hair has changed colors in areas. I have like white-white hair, blonde hair, red hair… I don’t know what to do with it! I have to fix it! I have like four different colors right now. It’s a zebra pussy or a leopard or something.”
Sechrest says, “It must be a jungle down there,” before bringing Alana Evans, Michael Brandon, Bret Wolfe, and Gavin Braun onto the program to join Ginger Lynn on the couch. First, Brandon presents Sechrest with a gift basket that includes all of his recent releases on DVD, an autographed magazine, a Happy Anniversary balloon, and a framed 8×10 photo of Sechrest giving him head live on a past episode of “The Young & the Curious.” Drew Warner arrives next with a cake, which Brandon proceeds to feed to everyone with his fingers.
Meanwhile, Ginger Lynn can’t keep her hand out of Michael Brandon’s shorts and eventually she and Sechrest decide to start directing the other four in a live sex scene. On a dare, Bret Wolfe agrees to go down on Alana Evans, his first time ever eating pussy, on or off camera! Wolfe, surprised, says it actually tastes very good, while Evans says, “He really knows what he’s doing.” Gavin Braun then bends over for some ass play for the cameras and eventually, Ginger Lynn can no longer contain herself. She drops to her knees and begins to suck Gavin Braun, then Michael Brandon, and finally takes both into her mouth at the same time. The show climaxes with Brandon shooting his load all over Wolfe’s face, as Sechrest yells, “I love my job!,” while Lynn screams, “Happy Anniversary, Jason! Here’s to another year!”
For exclusive photos of all these super hot guests in action, visit “Jason’s News Desk” at
“The Young & the Curious” is aired live from KSEXradio each Friday night on, from 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm (PT) and then rebroadcast every four hours throughout the weekend. Tune in next Friday, April 4th, 2003 for special guests Felicia Fox and Jason Hawke.
Media interested in attending the next live broadcast, please contact:
Jason Sechrest
DV8 Incorporate / DV8 Public Relations /
8205 Santa Monica Blvd., #1-175, West Hollywood, CA 90046
Phone: (323) 650-1952
Fax: (818) 786-2428