Couples 411 – Swingers and the Lifestyle – Part Two


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Ray and Christina Love

(LOS ANGELES, CA) — What kind of people are swingers?

All kinds. Swingers come different places of life, all races, and all incomes. One common bond is that they are interested in exploring sexual fantasies, they are honest with themselves and others, and they tend to communicate better with their partners than the average couple. You’ll find the most understanding, kind and friendly people in swingers lifestyle.

How do I convince my partner to swing?

First of all, you must keep in mind that swinging is not for everyone. Before you can try to convince your partner to swing you first need to look at yourself and why you want to swing. If the only reason you want to swing is that you can "get more action", then you shouldn’t even bother. That’s not what swingers lifestyle is about.

If you want to swing because you want to help your partner live out fantasies while living out your own, or because you want to share the most special part of your life (your partner) with others, then you can start looking at how to convince your partner.

You may not even need to convince your partner. They may already be more than willing, all you have to do is let them know that you are. On the other hand, they may not have ever thought about it. The first thing you need to do is talk to them about your fantasies. Be open to any questions that they may bring up and be prepared to answer why you want to do this.

If your partner lets you know that they have no interest in the lifestyle, then back off. Pushing them will get you nowhere. However, you can mention your fantasies to them, if you can get your partner turned on to your fantasies then you will have a much better chance of opening the lines of communication again and the chances of taking things further will increase.

Ok, How do we get started?

That depends on you, and what you are comfortable with. If you want to just jump in, then you might want to try visiting a local club in your area. If you just want to get a feel for what kind of people are in the lifestyle, then you might want to try an off-premise club. This will give you a chance to meet people without feeling any pressure to involve yourself. If you are really ready to jump in and don’t mind a little help, then you could try an on-premise club, there you can not only meet other swingers but you can actually join in swing activities, not that you will be obligated to, but you get the idea. You can meet great people this way and you will have a chance to get to know them better through communication before you take the next step.

Join our upcoming hosted parties in Southern California:

March 15, 2003

March 22, 2003


Ray and Christina Love