Action Alert From Free Speech Coalition


Source: Free Speech Coalition

By: Company Press Release

Free Speech Coalition

Dear FSC members and friends:

A filibuster vitally important for our industry is happening right now in the U.S. Senate. The senators who are conducting this filibuster need your support and encouragement. Please e-mail, call or write them today. [Please follow the link provided below.]

This is an historic battle for control of the U.S. Federal Courts and the outcome is very much in doubt. Millions of activists across the country need to support these courageous senators who have launched a filibuster to stop the appointment of Miguel Estrada to the District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals. If they give up the filibuster Estrada will be confirmed, and more of extreme rightwing judicial nominees that Bush wants will be confirmed soon thereafter. These liberal senators are being attacked through television hit ads saying they are bigoted against Hispanics the conservative press editorializes that the filibuster is just partisan politics.

When President Clinton was in office, as Act for Change states: “Republican senators blocked many of his Hispanic nominees, arguing that it was their constitutional duty to reject candidates they believed to be unfit for the job. Now Bush is claiming that Senate Democrats are ‘playing politics’ and is trying to insinuate that the fact that Estrada is Hispanic is one of the reasons he is not being confirmed. However, the (previously) Democratic-led Judiciary Committee already approved six of President Bush’s eight Hispanic nominees.”

I cannot emphasize strongly enough the importance of stopping this rush to judicial conservatism Now! Our senators must send a strong message to the Bush Administration that they will not allow the U.S. Courts to fall into the hands of these right-wing ideologues who could force us into living for decades in ultra-conservative strait-jackets. They need to hear from every one of us that we back this filibuster. They need to hear from every person you know who supports our industry.

Please help in this important effort. Believe me, Your Business and Your Livihood are At Stake. You can make a difference!

To contact your senator directly go to Click on your state. When your state page opens, click on the name of your senator (2 in each state). This will take you an information page on that individual, which contains phone, fax and e-mail address. In addition to sending an email, please call your senators via these numbers or through the congressional switchboard at 202/224-3121. Please let me thank you in advance for your help and support.

Best regards, William R. Lyon Executive Director Free Speech Coalition