Pleasure Gels Encourage Clitoral Stimulation as a Valid Path to Orgasm



By: Janette Roberts

"The pharmaceutical industry has wilfully misunderstood the basics of female sexuality in its lust for blockbuster drugs", writes Shere Hite, reporting for New Scientist January 2003.

Confirming what many women already know, Shere continues, "My own research, based on the testimonies of thousands of women, points to a lack or orgasm during coitus as a crucial and common underlying reason why many women become disenchanted and uninterested in sex. Most women don’t orgasm regularly during coitus. But does that mean they need pills to help them? Not a bit of it. Merely making women more receptive to sex will not lead to more orgasms. What might is recognising the truth about the mechanics of female orgasm.

To this end, the drug industry should pay more attention to masturbation. Most women, according to my research, can have orgasms easily during masturbation. So why not also during coitus? The answer is that during masturbation women choose to stimulate the clitoral or pubic area. Only rarely, in 2 per cent of cases, does it involve vaginal penetration.

In other words, the stimulation women give themselves to reach orgasm is – unlike that used by men – radically different from the stimulation most women receive during coitus. So it is not at all surprising that the rate of orgasm during coitus is low."

Encouraging women to focus on clitoral stimulation, ‘pleasure gels’ may provide a solution to this problem. Perhaps inappropriately termed a ‘female Viagra’, which many natural health practitioners consider a ‘band-aid’ measure for function compromised by a variety of nutritional and lifestyle factors, the natural, herbal ingredients of pleasure gels may be more correctly compared to those of nutritional supplements and their mode of action to the ability of supplements to optimise function rather than simply treat symptoms.

Furthermore, by applying a pleasure gel to the clitoris before sexual activity, and by focusing on its application i.e. stimulation of the clitoris, the woman and her obliging partner, may become not only more aware, but more accepting of this path to female orgasm. The other reported benefits of pleasure gels include increased sensitivity, heightened arousal and reduced time to orgasm – not inconsiderable benefits for those individuals for whom penetrative sex is still the holy grail.

WomanZone, is one of this new breed of ‘pleasure gel’. The brainchild of a NZ medical researcher and herbalist who, prompted by the large number of women reporting lowered libido and dissatisfaction with their sex lives, had been working on the formulation of topical creams and gels to increase pleasure during sexual activity. WomanZone has been tested on a large number of women who report easier arousal, increased pleasurable sensations and more intense orgasms. And like those individuals who take nutritional supplementation on an ongoing basis, most women report optimal response when using WomanZone on a regular basis.

WomanZone – "the ultimate feminine pleasure gel" – available at

Janette Roberts

B.Pharm (Hons)

Diploma Clinical Nutrition

Janette Roberts is a pharmacist, clinical nutritionist and since 1987, the Australian representative of the Foresight Association. She is the author of best-selling "The Natural Way to Better Babies" ("Healthy Parents, Better Babies" USA) and its three sequels.